Q: My gardenia looks beautiful, but the flowers fall off of it
before they even open up, the majority of them get this brown color at their
base. Can you point me in the right direction.
A: There are 3 possible problems, either one, or a combination:
Lack of light
Too much water
Lack of micro-nutrients in soil
Try the following treatments:
- micro-elements SUNSHINE-SuperFood as foliar spray + drench rootball,
once a month, it will improve quality of the flowers.
- Silicon protection: SUNSHINE-Power-Si. This supplement has Silicon as
an active element (Si). Adding it to soil or/and over foliar spray can
immensely enhance plants' resistance to external factors and boost their growth and
Make sure the soil is not soggy, reduce watering especially during
Meet PeopleCats of TopTropicals. Cat of the Day: Lil-S*
You know how it is, cats are like potato chips, they can't be just one.
And they come to you, they adopt you. They always pick the right people.
Every one of them has a story of their appearance.
Lil-S* came from a car engine. One cold winter morning of 2013 when we
were about to start a car... lil "meow" squeaked as a warning... Thank God
the engine wasn't started. She was hiding from cold under the hood right on the
engine, probably still catching some warmth from it... She was 4" size
kitten that fit in a palm of your hand... And she always has been a handful!
That's why we named her Little Sh*t.
Lil-S* likes to hang out with Marco in front of TopTropicals gate, greeting the customers.
Q: I got angel hair jasmine, it started flowering, but it does
not have any smell. What can be done?
A:Jasminum pubescens - Angel Hair Jasmine has very fine fragrance. It is
not as strong as some other jasmines like Sambac for example. However flowers do have a sweet scent especially in
the early morning hours, as long as the plant is well-established, grows in
a warm and humid environment. Keep in mind that flowers on young small plants
that do not have a developed root system, may not be as fragrant as on
mature vigorous specimens. Also, this jasmine needs a full sun location and
regular fertilizer for profuse flowering.
We recommend the following fertilizers to boost flowering energy:
- Pink N Good Daily Plant Food - Flower Booster
- Plumeria Top Dress - Smart-Release Booster
Use microelements at least once a month to improve plant vigor and quality
of flowers
Meet PeopleCats of TopTropicals. Cat of the Day: Marco
Cat of the Day: Marco
When you visit TopTropicals
Garden Center, the first Purrrrson that greets you will probably be Marco.
He likes to chill out right at the parking lot under the shady oak!
Marco is a long-hair Russian Blue, and it is too hot for him in Florida.
So he gets a fashionable Lion Cut every couple of months!
Q: When do you fertilize new bamboo trees and can you use the
same fertilizer you use for mango trees?
A:Bamboo is a tropical to subtropical plant with growing season
year-round. You can start fertilizing it right away with the exception of colder
months when temperatures drop below 65F.
Mango fertilizer is formulated for fruit trees, so bamboo won't benefit
from it. Bamboo is not a fruiting plant and is not even cultivated for
flowers. Its beauty is in healthy green foliage and beautiful stems. So you will
need foliage-type of fertilizers for it.
PeopleCats of TopTropicals: Shipping
Department cat - Lady Bug
We have been getting many messages from customers saying they really
love the postings of our Cats and Dobi Duck... and they want more updates. So we
decided to open this new section for the animal fans.
As you well know, TopTropicals is not just a plant Nursery. Like most of
the gardeners and all Cool Plant People, we love our pets and we have many
of them here, enjoying the Garden. Our cats and the Duck are members of
TopTropicals Team. They help customers, participate in packing plants, and of
course keep the nursery mice-free. As employees of the marketing department, they
get their paychecks, free lunches, and other company benefits like full
healthcare coverage and stuff... They are taken care of by TopTropicals Shipping
Crew every day: whether its a meal or taking a medicine, it's all scheduled in
our daily task list!
This First Issue of PeopleCats Fan Club is dedicated to our Shipping
Department cat - Lady Bug. Originally she came to our nursery 3 years ago in a
box with her other 3 baby brother-sisters and they just opened their eyes.
Someone dropped the box with the litter at our gate... guessing this is the Good
Place! When Lady Bug grew up, she became a Shipping Department Supervisor,
helping Chief the Cat to manage plant shipments.
Lady Bug went missing a few days ago and all our team is crying for her.
We are praying she is OK. We miss you, Lady Bug! Please come back and bug us
As a friendly reminder to our local walk-in customers: you are welcome
to visit TopTropicals ZOO, just please do not feed or pick up the animals!
Some of them are of old age, have special needs or special diet. All our pets
are friendly, however, we ask you to please do NOT pet them. They work hard all
day long and may have their own rules and emotions.
Q: I have been so worried about the beautiful ligustrum on my
property since my husband decided to "prune" it 2 days ago. He removed about 20
branches from the tree and completely altered the look of the canopy which
was so full and lovely ðŸ˜. Please advise me if there is anything I can do to
help this tree. Will any of the branches grow back? Will the canopy return?
It looks practically bare to me now.... so heartbroken. Any advice and
reassuring would be greatly appreciated.
A: The good news is, the tree will regrow new leaves and will
branch out. The question is, how soon. Ligustrum is pretty slow-growing species
and it may take a while until it gets to the shape that is close to the
On the other hand, pruning is beneficial almost for every plant, it
promotes new growth and bushy shape.
So do not panic, your beautiful tree has good chances to become even
To speed up the process of re-leafing and promote healthy new growth,
we recommend the following:
1) Provide extra watering, assuming you have a sprinkler system that
covers the yard. Water additionally 1-2 times a week using a garden house, for
1-2 minutes, saturating the soil around the tree and up to a drip line.
3) In addition to fertilizers, we recommend these 2 supplements that
will enhance effect of fertilizers and make re-grow process even faster:
SUNSHINEâ„¢ SuperFood SUNSHINEâ„¢ HumiHum - a natural humate vitamin for plant
4) Mulch well around the tree, keeping it 2-3" away from the trunk
Q: I visited Thailand recently, and enjoyed a wonderful stir fry
made with Cowslip flowers. I would love to grow it myself. I need this vine
in my life! Do you have them in your inventory and if so, will I be able to
grow it successfully here in SW Florida?
A:By Onika Amell, tropical flower specialist. The extremely fragrant Telosoma cordata has many names: Cowslip
Creeper, Pakalana vine, Tonkin Jasmine, Dok Kajon, or Chinese violet. It is a very
sought after rare tropical fragrant ornamental, but not everyone knows that
this flower makes a delicious meal!
The flowers have a lovely lemon-like fragrance and can be found in
South East Asian food markets. It is typically fried with eggs to make omelets or
stir-fried with tofu or pork and beef. Young leaves & flower buds can also
be eaten fresh (in a salad) or battered & fried. Not only are the flowers
delicious, but they are chock and block full of carbohydrates, proteins and
vitamins A and C.
An old Chinese tale tells the story of the mystic, aromatic powers of
the Pakalana vine...
Q: I just acquired a Medinilla plant. I have a cylindrical tall
clay pot that I would like to repot this beauty into. Would like to know if a
deep pot is good for this type of tropical plants even if the medium is
lightweight with bark and perlite allowing adequate drainage. Would appreciate
your advice.
A:Medinillas are very close to epiphytes, meaning they like high air
humidity and very good soil drainage characteristics. Clay pots usually provide
good air circulation, as long as they are not glazed. If you add a lot of soil
conditioner into your mix, like orchid mix and perlite, the tall pot will
provide a good drainage. Tall pot is also great for displaying the beautiful
pendulous blooms!
Plastic pots work well too, as long as you provide a well-drained soil for the plant. If a nursery plastic pot is not pretty
enough, you may place it in a fancy planter; however, make sure never let
the pot sit in water, Medinillas do not like wet feet.
Helping Citrus and other fruit trees with Nutritional
Q: Can you recommended a product to help with my citrus?
Combating greening and chlorosis.
A: Citrus greening is spread by an insect called the Asian citrus
psyllid. The psyllid feeds on the stems and leaves of the trees, infecting
the trees with the bacteria that causes citrus greening. Florida Citrus
growers dedicated the last decade to researching citrus greening. Officially,
currently there is still no cure, however, some Nutritional solutions have shown
promising results. To slow the progression of citrus greening in infected
trees, nutrients are applied to the leaves and to the roots. Providing better
nutrition helps trees fight against citrus greening and enables them to continue
to produce quality fruit.
We recommend the following products for use on regular basis:
SUNSHINE Epi is a natural Brassinosteroid plant hormone and a
bio-stimulant that may be very effective as citrus greening treatment. It works
through plant's immune system and shows amazing results of recovery of weak and
sick plants.
SUNSHINE Superfood, a complex micro-element supplement, maintains
plant's health and provides vigorous growth.
SUNSHINE-Honey is a basic nutritional complement, it contains essential
plant micronutrients Boron (B) and Molybdenum (Mo). These elements are essential
to vegetative and reproductive growth, cell expansion, tissue growth, and
fertility. A very common problem for most unimproved garden soils is lack of
Molybdenum and Boron as soil micro-component. This results in underdeveloped /
low quality fruit and/or premature fruit drop. Applying SUNSHINE Honey on your
fruit trees will fill that gap and help a fruit tree to form a healthy
Macro-nutrients should be applied in combination with micro-nutrients on
regular basis:
Mango-Food - Smart Release Fruit Tree Booster (works great for all
tropical fruit trees)
Fruit Festival Plant Food - Ideal blend designed to improve fruit trees
health and vigor, and increase crop yield.