Plant Horoscope - Sagittarius
Zodiac Lucky Plants 11/22-12/21
By Alex Butova, the Witch of Herbs and Cats
...Of all three fire signs, Sagittarius is the least likely to care with growing plants.... In the short hours of
rest, he will gladly look and smell, and taste, and even will delighted with them (if time remains),
thinking: "Beautiful! I hadn't noticed before?" And, instructing someone to start growing the plants he likes, this
tireless Archer will hurry further...
Plants that can attract the attention of Sagittarius most often have large
spectacular flowers with a pronounced scent, often they have large, elongated leathery leaves. And
he also really likes fruits and nuts - he loves a deliciousness....
...Colocasia's and Alocasia's heart-shaped leaves, arrow-like (named also
sagittate!) shoots, and overall rarity makes these plants stand out next to
more traditional house plants. These plants are known as needing little more
love and care, but also for being able to return these benefits to their
gardener. Alocasias are so perfect for Sagittarius, he feels their vibrations,
which are so necessary for him in achieving his goals. They are the real
talisman for this sign...