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Who thinks this is an Eggplant? Do you? What is it?

πŸ† Who thinks this is an Eggplant? Do you? What is it?

Correct answer: Avocado Red Russel.

πŸ›’ Shop Avocado Varieties

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#Food_Forest #PeopleCats #Nature_Wonders

🏡 TopTropicals


Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago

Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago
"Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago." - Warren Buffett

🌳 Plant your tree today!

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#Quotes #PeopleCats

We Grow Happiness


Cat Philemon is eating Avocado!

πŸ₯‘ Cat Philemon is eating Avocado!

Avocado is good for you. It's one of the Superfoods. Even cats know this fact.

Did you know that Avocado comes in hundreds of varieties, not just green and black?

πŸ“š Check out Avocado Varieties Guide

πŸ›’ Shop Avocado Trees

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#PeopleCats #Food_Forest



Just hanging out in Tropical Paradise

😺🍹🏝 Just hanging out in Tropical Paradise...

How is your Garden doing? Get some Tropicals from TopTropicals! πŸ₯­πŸŒΊ

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We Grow Happiness


European Shorthair - a cat that came from the wild...

European Shorthair 

By Alex Butova, the Witch of Herbs and Cats

Q: I saw your beautiful cats in your garden and now I know you are not only plant experts, but also cat experts. Do you now what is the classic color of European shorthair cat?

A: You are right, here at Top Tropicals we have a whole PeopleCats garden with all sorts of cats, and we can tell stories about each breed and personality! In fact, our cat expert Alex Boutova just started a series about cat breeds.
With European shorthair cat breed, there is a twist! Sometimes, people get confused because European shorthair covers lots of different cats found all over Europe. It's not just one type of cat, but a whole bunch! You've got cats with two colors, including bicolor cats (including tuxedo cats), multicolor cats, and even cats with just one solid color like black, grey, ginger, or tabby...

Continue reading:
European Shorthair: a cat that came from the wild.

European Shorthair Cat with a bunny


Cat of the Day: Matilda

Gray Manx cat Matilda

Introducing Matilda, the newest member of the Top Tropicals PeopleCats.Garden family. Matilda is a Manx cat, a special breed known for being tailless, originally from the Isle of Man.

Matilda is a loving and friendly cat who enjoys her meals. After dining with her fellow PeopleCats, she dutifully cleans all 11 dishes. While she may still remember her days in the bushes, Matilda is now happily settling into her new life at Top Tropicals. Stay tuned for more stories about this unique cat breed in our upcoming Cat Breeds Series.


Cat of the day:
Shaka. The Tail of Two Kitties...

By Kristi VanBenschoten

New born kitten

For those of you who have been following the Cat of the Day stories, you may remember the heartbreaking story about Little Raja... When Raja passed, I was heartbroken and vowed, "No more new cats." Well, wouldn't you know, I would eat those words...

One of our shipping experts, Rob, came in and said that a feral cat around his house had just given birth to a kitten on his front porch, but the mother had left and not returned. I immediately asked him to go get me the kitten, knowing it was going to be cold and hungry and could not be left without warmth and food for long...
Rob rushed off to get the kitten and, within what felt like the blink of an eye, returned with the tiniest (about 4 inches), yet astonishingly vocal, kitten I had ever met.

And this is what happened next...

New born kitten


Prepare your plants for Winter with Sunshine Boosters

Tropical Plants on Winter Windowsill

We usually stop using dry slow-release fertilizers from November to March. However, liquid Sunshine Boosters, which are natural plant food, can be used all year. They help your plants survive winter. When it gets colder, we water less, so the fertilizer decreases too. The plants only use what they need. To learn more about how Sunshine Boosters work and why they're safe and helpful, check out this blog: Using Sunshine Booster during Winter.

Sunshine boosters formulas

Apart from giving your plants nutrients during winter, you also can improve their ability to handle the cold. Try the Sunshine Boosters supplement kit for tropical plants. Follow the schedule and use three different supplements: SUNSHINE Superfood, SUNSHINE Epi, and SUNSHINE-Power-Si. Read more about treatment with Sunshine boosters supplement kit.

Sunshine boosters supplement kit

Sunshine boosters supplement kit


Paws of the week: Clifford, the Watch Dog

Clifford dog with tropical fruit

Introducing Clifford, the freshest face on the Top Tropicals team at the Garden Center and an honorary partner of the PeopleCats (or should we say, PeoplePaws). This dynamo has been appointed as the chief of our Security Crew, much to everyone's surprise and delight.
Now, the story goes like this: Clifford strolled in from who-knows-where and, with the charm only a puppy can muster, looked up at Chiane with those soulful eyes as if to say, "Hey, can I crash here?" Well, what else could she do? She gave him a warm bath, and lo and behold, beneath all that stray dust, Clifford turned out to be white!
Clifford is a little ball of sunshine. He's got a heart of gold and a zest for life that's absolutely contagious. When it comes to shipping activities, he's the first one to volunteer. And the best part? Clifford is the epitome of punctuality. You can set your watch by him. He shows up for work every day with his tail wagging and ready to conquer the world.
Clifford is not just our head of Security Crew; he's our daily dose of happiness and a reminder that sometimes, the best things in life simply wander in when you least expect them!

Fruit image by jemastock on Freepik


Cat Horoscope
Virgo Zodiac Cats 08/22-09/23

By Alex Butova, the Witch of Herbs and Cats

Virgo Zodiac cat

How to know the astrological sign of your cat?
The astrological sign of a cat can be determined by either their date of birth or adoption, as adoption is often considered a second birth for cats...
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Purrrrfect office companions!

Are you someone who occasionally finds themselves in a state of disarray, struggling to maintain a tidy living space and manage your time effectively? Do you often find yourself behind schedule, struggling to fulfill your plans punctually? If this sounds familiar, let the Virgo Cat lend a helping paw to restore order and rhythm to your life... The Virgo Cats are more than just a pet; it's a dedicated companion that excels at instilling structure and cleanliness...
Eventually, you will realise that they want to accompany you to the office to be your office mate. This is why Virgo cats spread themselves over your laptop or sit deliberately in front of the screen - it is not because they need your attention, but because they (and you!) need to get to work...

Jacques - September, Virgo Zodiac cat

In the photo: introducing a new member of Top Tropicals PeopleCats family - Jacques, September cat by point of entry. He is only 5 months old and still learning how to be an office cat... but he already has very daring plans!

Virgo Zodiac Plants