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What is the best perfume tree for container culture? Dwarf Chanel No 5 Tree

 What is the best perfume tree for container culture? Dwarf Chanel No 5 Tree  What is the best perfume tree for container culture? Dwarf Chanel No 5 Tree  What is the best perfume tree for container culture? Dwarf Chanel No 5 Tree  What is the best perfume tree for container culture? Dwarf Chanel No 5 Tree
⚜️ What is the best perfume tree for container culture? Dwarf Chanel No 5 Tree!

Cananga fruticosa - Dwarf Ylang-Ylang, or Chanel No5 Tree - is the most desired and sought after perfume plants.

  • 🔅 Elegant pendant flowers are a piece of art.

  • 🔅 Easy to grow, stays compact and in nice tree-like shape. Flowers smell as great as full size Ylang Ylang tree.

  • 🔅 Needs warm and humid conditions for a full aroma.

  • 🔅 Perfect container plantand a house plant, but keep in mind it requires bright light for profuse flowering.

📚 Learn more about Chanel No5 Ylang Ylang Tree

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What is the best perfume tree for container culture? Dwarf Chanel No 5 Tree

Cananga fruticosa - Dwarf Ylang-Ylang, Chanel No5 Tree

Cananga fruticosa - Dwarf Ylang-Ylang, Chanel No5 Tree

Cananga fruticosa - Dwarf Ylang-Ylang, Chanel No5 Tree

Cananga fruticosa - Dwarf Ylang-Ylang, Chanel No5 Tree

Cananga fruticosa - Dwarf Ylang-Ylang, Chanel No5 Tree

Cananga fruticosa - Dwarf Ylang-Ylang, Chanel No5 Tree

Cananga fruticosa - Dwarf Ylang-Ylang, Chanel No5 Tree

Cananga fruticosa - Dwarf Ylang-Ylang, Chanel No5 Tree

⚜️ What is the best perfume tree for container culture? Dwarf Chanel No 5 Tree!

Cananga fruticosa - Dwarf Ylang-Ylang, or Chanel No5 Tree - is the most desired and sought after perfume plants.
  • 🔅 Elegant pendant flowers are a piece of art.
  • 🔅 Easy to grow, stays compact and in nice tree-like shape. Flowers smell as great as full size Ylang Ylang tree.
  • 🔅 Needs warm and humid conditions for a full aroma.
  • 🔅 Perfect container plant🪴and a house plant, but keep in mind it requires bright light for profuse flowering.

📚 Learn more about Chanel No5 Ylang Ylang Tree

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#Perfume_Plants #Container_Garden

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How to grow your own Olive Oil

Olive Tree - Olea europea

Olive Tree - Olea europea

🫒 How to grow your own Olive Oil

Olive trees are:
  • 🔹 Easy to grow
  • 🔹 Heat- and drought-tolerant
  • 🔹 Beautiful in landscape
  • 🔹 Symbol of Prosperity
  • 🔹 Source of excellent superfood - Healthy Olive Oil

📚 Learn how to grow your own olive tree

🛒 Shop Olive trees

#Food_Forest #How_to

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Why Bauhinias are called Orchid Trees: orchid flowers with butterfly wings

Bauhinia monandra - Nepoleons Plume

Bauhinia monandra - Nepoleons Plume

🦋 Why Bauhinias are called Orchid Trees: orchid flowers with butterfly wings...

Bauhinia trees have striking orchid-like flowers in hues ranging from white and pink to purple and red. The flowers boast delicate petals with intricate patterns, resembling the elegance of true orchids.

The leaves are deeply divided, typically into two lobes or halves, hence another common name "Butterfly tree" due to their resemblance to butterfly wings.

Need a fast growing, easy to care tree with beautiful blooms? Orchid trees offer quick shade solution and guarantee a spectacular winter flower show.

📚 Learn more about Orchid trees

🛒 Shop Orchid Trees


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Cat Philemon is eating Avocado!

🥑 Cat Philemon is eating Avocado!

Avocado is good for you. It's one of the Superfoods. Even cats know this fact.

Did you know that Avocado comes in hundreds of varieties, not just green and black?

📚 Check out Avocado Varieties Guide

🛒 Shop Avocado Trees

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#PeopleCats #Food_Forest



How to water a newly planted Mango tree?

How to water a newly planted Mango tree?
🥭 How to water a newly planted Mango tree?

Never rely solely on your sprinkler system when planting a new tree, especially during the first week or even several weeks if you have no rain. By rain, we mean a nice downpour. Here in Florida, we usually have a hot and dry spring, and while springtime is great for starting new trees, additional hose-watering becomes essential for establishing them during the first months.

📚 Learn how to water your mango tree

#How_to #Food_Forest

We Grow Happiness


How to water a new Mango tree?

Mango tree in the ground with fruit

Q: I got a large mango tree from your garden center recently, planted in the ground, but noticed the corners of the leaves turning brown. It was full of little fruit when I planted it but now they are falling off... I wonder how much should I water the mango tree? We have lawn sprinkler system that runs daily, is this enough?

A: Generally speaking, never rely solely on your sprinkler system when planting a new tree, especially during the first week or even several weeks if you have no rain. By rain, we mean a nice downpour. Here in Florida, we usually have a hot and dry spring, and while springtime is great for starting new trees, additional hose-watering becomes essential for establishing them during the first months.

Dry leaves are a signal of under-watering. Make sure to hand water your mango tree every day for at least the first week after planting. Even if you have an individual sprinkler for the tree, ensure that the soil around the rootball receives enough water, not only around the trunk. Surprisingly, the bigger the tree, the more it may suffer from a lack of water, and sprinkler watering does not saturate the large root system, sometimes only reaching around the trunk. Big tree means lots of leaves and branches - they all get thirsty!

Mangos are pretty drought-tolerant trees, but only once established. They even benefit from hot, drier air (means less leaf fungus). However, young trees require regular irrigation until they start growing new leaves and branches.

Note that fertilizing your Mango tree is especially important during the spring and summer seasons - the period of active growth. This ensures that the tree takes the best advantage of nutrients with a faster metabolism encouraged by high temperatures. Give your tree a chance to build up lots of energy for the cooler winter as well as for the next flowering and crop season. To ensure a strong tree and reliable crop with no fruit drop, apply Sunshine Mango Tango liquid fertilizer with every watering and watch your mango tree become a Champ!

Sunshine Mango Tango liquid fertilizer with mango fruit


Why buy Mango from the store? Plant the trees today to enjoy your own fruit tomorrow!

 Why buy Mango from the store? Plant the trees today to enjoy your own fruit tomorrow!
🥭 Why buy Mango from the store? Plant the trees today to enjoy your own fruit tomorrow!

🛒 Shop Mango trees


🏵 TopTropicals


How to make a Mango tree fruit?

How to make a Mango tree fruit?
🥭 How to make a Mango tree fruit?

We use SUNSHINE Mango Tango - Mango Tree Booster, for healthy mango trees and profuse fruit production.

📚 Learn how to make a Mango tree fruit

#Food_Forest #How_to #Fertilizers

We Grow Happiness


Grow your own Olive Oil

Branch of olives

Q: Can I grow an olive tree in Florida and have my own olives? How long does it take to fruit?

A: Olive trees can indeed thrive and fruit in various regions of Florida. Their adaptability to different climates makes them suitable for the state's diverse conditions. In the northern and central parts of Florida olive trees can flourish.

Easy to grow. Olive trees prefer well-drained soil, and they thrive in full sun, which Florida offers in abundance. While they may not produce as prolifically as in their native Mediterranean habitats, with proper care and suitable varieties, such as Arbequina, Coratina and Leccino, you can still enjoy a bountiful harvest.

Cold hardy. One advantage of olive trees in Florida is their cold hardiness. They can withstand occasional frosts and freezes, particularly when they are mature.

Heat- and drought-tolerant. Olive trees also offer additional benefits beyond their fruit production. They are drought-tolerant once established, making them well-suited to Florida's sometimes erratic rainfall patterns.

Beautiful in landscape. Evergreen foliage of olive trees adds aesthetic appeal to landscapes year-round, and their gnarled trunks and silvery-green leaves create a Mediterranean ambiance reminiscent of warmer climates.

Fertilize for quick fruit. Olives will start flowering within 1-2 years of planting, providing regular fertilizing program. We recommend Sunshine Boosters C-Cibus liquid fertilizer, perfect for edibles and organic gardens.

Symbol of Prosperity. The olive branch has long been revered for its symbolic significance, representing peace, prosperity, and hope across cultures and centuries. It transcends mere botanical importance to embody the enduring power of goodwill.

Healthy Olive Oil. Similarly, olive oil, extracted from these timeless fruits, has been celebrated not only for its culinary excellence but also for its remarkable health benefits. Rich in antioxidants and heart-healthy fats, olive oil has sustained generations with its nourishing properties, earning it a cherished place in both culinary traditions and holistic wellness practices worldwide. So, whether adorning Olympic crowns or enriching Mediterranean cuisine, the olive and its offerings continue to inspire and enrich our lives with their timeless allure and profound significance.

Get your own Olive tree today!

Read more: How to grow a nice Olive tree fast?

Large olive tree