Mazabuka, Blue Lips (Sclerochiton harveyanus)

Mazabuka, Blue Lips (Sclerochiton harveyanus)

Mazabuka, Blue Lips (Sclerochiton harveyanus)

Mazabuka, Blue Lips (Sclerochiton harveyanus)
Why this blue tropical flower has a violet fragrance?
You already saw one unusual blue flower of Tropics -
Lead Flower. This one is even more interesting!
Mazabuka, or Blue Lips (Sclerochiton harveyanus) has mauve-blue, unusually lipped flowers that are lightly
- 💙 Blue Lips create a pretty floral display on this shade-loving shrub with its attractive glossy green foliage.
- 💙 Flowers are mauve-blue to purple and the lower petals are ribbed, giving the impression of lips, hence the common name.
- 💙 Five fringed lobes, equal in size, short and rounded, are the flowers distinguishing feature.
- 💙 Shade lover. Will happily bloom in the shade!
🐝🐦 The numerous flowers produced in summer are attractive to pollinating insects which encourage insect-feeding birds into the garden.
📚 Learn more:
Surprising Violet fragrance of the Blue Lips
🛒 Order Blue Lips
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