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18 most popular herbs: where to use each herb?















Lemon grass

Lemon grass





馃ガ 18 most popular herbs: where to use each herb? 馃嵅

馃摳 Basil, Catnip, Rosemary, Oregano, Cilantro, Sage, Terragon, Lemon grass, Mint, Thyme

馃洅 Shop tropical herbs and spices

#Food_Forest #Recipes #Remedies

馃彽 TopTropicals


Do you know why this plant is caged?

Do you know why this plant is caged? Do you know why this plant is caged? Do you know why this plant is caged?
馃寪 Do you know why this plant is caged? Because it's so tasty!

馃馃悋馃惪馃 Yes indeed, we protect it from all kinds of visitors: deer, bunnies, squirrels, raccoons...

Because it's our favorite food and don't want to share! 馃檮

Yuca Root, Cassava, Tapioca - variegated form Manihot esculenta cv. Variegata makes not only a great meal but a beautiful ornamental, as we mentioned earlier. Besides culinary value, it is simply a stunning little tree!

馃 Plant several plants in your garden and you will never run out of healthy food. Try this vegetable and you will never want French fries!馃崯

鈥硷笍 Don't be shy to harvest the roots - this plant is easy to regrow from cuttings, so you can have your crops year round.

馃摎 Learn more about Yuca Root

馃嵅 Cassava Fries Recipe

馃洅 Order Cassava plant online

#Food_Forest #Recipes

馃彽 TopTropicals


Do you know why this plant is caged?

Yuca Root, Cassava, Tapioca - Manihot esculenta cv. Variegata

Yuca Root, Cassava, Tapioca - Manihot esculenta

Yuca Root, Cassava, Tapioca - Manihot esculenta

Yuca Root, Cassava, Tapioca - Manihot esculenta cv. Variegata

Yuca Root, Cassava, Tapioca - Manihot esculenta cv. Variegata

Yuca Root, Cassava, Tapioca - Manihot esculenta cv. Variegata

Yuca Root, Cassava, Tapioca - Manihot esculenta cv. Variegata

馃寪 Do you know why this plant is caged? Because it's so tasty!

馃馃悋馃惪馃 Yes indeed, we protect it from all kinds of visitors: deer, bunnies, squirrels, raccoons...

Because it's our favorite food and don't want to share! 馃檮

Yuca Root, Cassava, Tapioca - variegated form Manihot esculenta cv. Variegata makes not only a great meal but a beautiful ornamental, as we mentioned earlier. Besides culinary value, it is simply a stunning little tree!

馃 Plant several plants in your garden and you will never run out of healthy food. Try this vegetable and you will never want French fries!馃崯

鈥硷笍 Don't be shy to harvest the roots - this plant is easy to regrow from cuttings, so you can have your crops year round.

馃摎 Learn more about Yuca Root

馃嵅 Cassava Fries Recipe

馃洅 Order Cassava plant online

#Food_Forest #Recipes

馃彽 TopTropicals


Longevity Spinach Superfood Recipes: how to make healthy food delicious

 Longevity Spinach Superfood Recipes: how to make healthy food delicious  Longevity Spinach Superfood Recipes: how to make healthy food delicious
馃懆 Longevity Spinach Superfood Recipes: how to make healthy food delicious.

Can healthy food taste delicious?

Healthy Longevity Spinach... It tastes like... spinach? You can add it to your salads, but let's face it, you can only eat so much of a salad. So try it cooked - you will be so surprised and want to eat it every day!

馃嵆 Eggs with Longevity Spinach

You will need:

馃尶 Longevity Spinach or Okinawa Spinach: 2 handfuls
  • 馃 1 cup Bacon (optional), sliced or chopped, or: 2 tbsp Olive or vegetable oil

馃1 large Onion, sliced in semi-rings
馃珣 1 sweet pepper, red or yellow, sliced
馃 3-5 cloves garlic, chopped (optional, to taste)
馃 5-6 eggs
馃 1 cup ground beef or turkey/chicken (optional), or mushrooms
馃 陆 cup shredded cheese (regular or Parmesan)
馃 salt and pepper to taste
馃尪 Sweet Chile Sauce (optional. Tastes great with this dish!)
  • 馃嵎 a glass of your favorite wine or cocktail to enjoy your dinner 馃嵎

Preparation time: 10 min
Makes dinner for 2

馃ィ Open detailed recipe

馃洅 Order Longevity Spinach

#Edible_Forest #Recipes

We Grow Happiness


Top Tropicals is now in Telegram!

 Top Tropicals is now in Telegram!
馃尨 Top Tropicals is now in Telegram!

TopTropicals.com - the World's leading authority on tropical plants - is now in Telegram. If you grow a tropical garden or indoor collection of rare plants, this is your channel!

Join to get exclusive updates on tropical gardening:

馃 Fun Facts and Nature Wonders
馃尯 How to make your plants flower and stay happy
馃キ How to get the biggest fruit crop
馃弳 Sweepstakes and Contests
馃 Butterfly and Container Garden
馃 Food Forest
鈿滐笍 Perfume Plants
馃嵅 Exotic Recipes and Remedies
...and of course, your favorite -
馃惥 PeopleCats in the Garden!

JOIN and share with friends! 馃憞

馃彽 TopTropicals
We Grow Happiness


Fun Fact:

Tamarind fruit - Tamarinus indica

Tamarind fruit - Tamarinus indica

Tamarind fruit - Tamarinus indica

Tamarind fruit - Tamarinus indica

Tamarind flowers - Tamarinus indica

Tamarind flowers - Tamarinus indica

馃摉 Fun Fact: Tamarind is used as a souring agent in many cuisines around the world, adding a tangy flavor to dishes. How to use Tamarind in cooking?

馃嵅 Tamarind Chutney Recipe

  • 路 1 cup tamarind pulp
  • 路 1 cup water
  • 路 3/4 cup brown sugar or jaggery
  • 路 1 tsp each of ground cumin, ginger, and coriander
  • 路 1/2 tsp red chili powder
  • 路 Salt to taste

  • Instructions:
  • 路 Simmer tamarind pulp and water.
  • 路 Strain, return to heat, and add sugar.
  • 路 Stir in spices and salt.
  • 路 Simmer until thickened.
  • 路 Cool and store in the refrigerator.

馃洅Grow your own Tamarind Tree

#Edible_Forest #Fun_Facts #Recipes

馃彽 TopTropicals


Why this Akee taste of deliciousness always follows me?

Akee fruit, Ackee

馃 Why this Akee taste of deliciousness always follows me? Definitely the favorite fruit (it's actually a vegetable).

Can't wait for the next crop this year 馃樇

馃摉 Fun Fact: Ackee is the national fruit of Jamaica and is a key ingredient in the traditional Jamaican dish, ackee and saltfish. However, it must be properly ripened and cooked due to its toxic properties when unripe.

鈥硷笍 Check out our previous post about Akee.

馃摎 More about Akee

馃帴 YouTube Recipe: How to cook perfect Akee?

馃洅 Grow your own Akee tree

#Food_Forest #Nature_Wonders #Recipes #Fun_Facts

馃彽 TopTropicals


Top Tropicals is now in Telegram!

Cat texting telegram

Welcome to our new Telegram Channel!
We finally did it, and excited to connect with all of you on this amazing platform. After using Telegram for a few years for both business and personal communications, we realized it is a winner of the modern Social Media!

In Top Tropicals Telegram Channel you will find much more than on our website or Newsletter: Fun Plant Facts, Nature Wonders, Amazing Plant Videos, Gardening How-to Tips, Exotic Recipes, Contests, Sweepstakes, Give-aways and so much more. Plus, of course, your favorite PeopleCats!

Telegram is a messaging app with a focus on speed and security, it芒鈧劉s super-fast, simple and free. You can use Telegram on all your devices at the same time - your messages sync seamlessly across any number of your phones, tablets or computers. It's perfect for sharing your comments, photos, videos, even making calls.

You can watch news, browse your interest, message to friends and colleagues, save your files, create groups, make phone calls, and the most amazing thing - Telegram works where nothing else works, no WiFi or cell service! It proved to be more reliable than any other apps and (surprise!) even works in airplane without wifi connection - proved!

The platform has its own cloud and offers limitless storage. And the last and not least - it's ad-free! Telegram is free and will stay free - no ads, no subscription fees, forever. It's a clean, clear and easy to use for all ages and applications. Try it yourself and discover how easy and pain-free it is!

Telegram is for everyone who wants fast and reliable messaging and calls.
See you in Telegram!


Three tropical plants that help you to stay young

Longevity Spinach - Gynura

Longevity Spinach - Gynura

Amlak, Otaheite Gooseberry fruit

Amlak, Otaheite Gooseberry fruit

Noni fruit

Noni fruit

馃尡 Three tropical plants that help you to stay young.
  1. Longevity Spinach - as the name suggests, this is one of the superfoods, and it lowers cholesterol. The leaves and young shoot tips can be used fresh in salads, steamed, used in stir fry, stews, and soups. Just add them at the very end. Recipes here 馃ィ
  2. Amlak, or Otaheite Gooseberry - fruit is a major ingredient of Chavyanprash, a popular Ayurvedic tonic. It is the richest source of vitamin C. Makes a perfect lemonade.
  3. Noni - a world-famous medicinal fruit. The noni juice works on a cellular level and rejuvenates nearly every system in the body. Large leaves, very tropical look, quick to fruit... This is a perfect tree for container and indoors. PDF: Noni's health benefits (Tropical Treasures Magazine).

鈿曪笍 Discover more medicinal plants

#Food_Forest #Remedies

We Grow Happiness


How to make exotic fries from beautiful Cassava Tree (Yuca Root, Tapioca)

Cassava Tree (Yuca Root, Tapioca) - Manihot esculenta

馃崯 How to make exotic fries from beautiful Cassava Tree (Yuca Root, Tapioca).
  • 鈻笍 Cassava (Manihot esculenta), also called Yuca Root, Manihot, Tapioca - is an exotic tropical root vegetable plant. The fries are more delicious than any fries you every tried!
  • 鈻笍 Besides culinary value, it is simply a stunning little tree! Don't be shy to harvest the roots - this plant is easy to regrow from cuttings, so you can have your crops year round.

鉂楋笍Don't confuse Yuca Root (Cassava) with Yucca Plant from the Agave family - a no-go in the culinary world - you definitely don't want to cook that up for dinner!

馃摎 Learn more about Yuca Root

馃嵅 Cassava Fries Recipe

馃洅 Order Cassava plant online

#Food_Forest #Recipes

馃彽 TopTropicals