Why did she say its a dog poo? Its a beauty from Argentina!

Caudiciform Morning Glory - Ipomoea platensis

Caudiciform Morning Glory - Ipomoea platensis

Caudiciform Morning Glory - Ipomoea platensis

Caudiciform Morning Glory - Ipomoea platensis

Caudiciform Morning Glory - Ipomoea platensis

Caudiciform Morning Glory - Ipomoea platensis

Caudiciform Morning Glory - Ipomoea platensis

Caudiciform Morning Glory - Ipomoea platensis
- 🌸 This remarkable caudiciform Morning Glory - Ipomoea platensis - is native to arid regions of Argentina.
- 🌸 This is a showy flowering vine growing from a large caudex! The caudex can be of some weird shapes and forms. Some old lady once said "it's a dog poo plant!"
- 🌸 Similar to Desert roses (Adeniums), it grows caudex for water storage to survive extended drought periods.
- 🌸 Caudex grows over 2 ft! Vines reach over 12 ft, covered with beautiful bell-shaped pink flowers.
- 🌸 Can be kept as a bonsai in a pot, easy to control as a container specimen with trellis or pruning.
- 🌸 Although it doesn't mind dry conditions, the plant benefits from regular watering and good drainage, then it grows fast.
- 🌸 This is one of our favorite plants, easy to grow, makes a great conversation piece. It is a perfect for bonsai
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