What do you think about this Giant? This is the coolest looking flower!
Aristolochia gigantea var. Brasiliensis - Giant Pelican Flower

Aristolochia gigantea var. Brasiliensis - Giant Pelican Flower

Aristolochia gigantea var. Brasiliensis - Giant Pelican Flower

Aristolochia gigantea var. Brasiliensis - Giant Pelican Flower
- 🦋 Aristolochia gigantea var. Brasiliensis - Giant Pelican Flower - is one of the most outrageous flowers in the world.
- 🦋 This striking plant from Brazil is known for its outrageous, huge - over ten-inch-long - lemon-scented flowers 🍋
- 🦋 Flowers have an elaborate pattern of white and mottled reddish brown.
- 🦋 Not a vigorous vine, making it easy to train on a stake, trellis, or in a hanging basket.
- 🦋 Rare and highly collectible variety.
- 🦋 Like all Dunchman's Pipes we mentioned earlier, this plant is a great butterfly attractor.
🛒 Shop Aristolochia vines
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