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Dwarf Poinciana we have now in our Nursery - beautiful bushes in 3-15 gal pots, in full bloom

Dwarf Poinciana - Caesalpinia pulcherrima, Red

πŸ”₯ Dwarf Poinciana we have now in our Nursery - beautiful bushes in 3-15 gal pots, in full bloom. Spectacular show! ❀️

πŸ“š See our previous post about Dwarf Poinciana.

πŸ›’ Order online

#Butterfly_Plants #Hedges_with_benefits

🏡 TopTropicals


What do you think about this Giant? This is the coolest looking flower!

Aristolochia gigantea var. Brasiliensis - Giant Pelican Flower

Aristolochia gigantea var. Brasiliensis - Giant Pelican Flower

Aristolochia gigantea var. Brasiliensis - Giant Pelican Flower

Aristolochia gigantea var. Brasiliensis - Giant Pelican Flower

Aristolochia gigantea var. Brasiliensis - Giant Pelican Flower

Aristolochia gigantea var. Brasiliensis - Giant Pelican Flower

Aristolochia gigantea var. Brasiliensis - Giant Pelican Flower

πŸ™ What do you think about this Giant? This is the coolest looking flower!
  • πŸ¦‹ Aristolochia gigantea var. Brasiliensis - Giant Pelican Flower - is one of the most outrageous flowers in the world.
  • πŸ¦‹ This striking plant from Brazil is known for its outrageous, huge - over ten-inch-long - lemon-scented flowers πŸ‹
  • πŸ¦‹ Flowers have an elaborate pattern of white and mottled reddish brown.
  • πŸ¦‹ Not a vigorous vine, making it easy to train on a stake, trellis, or in a hanging basket.
  • πŸ¦‹ Rare and highly collectible variety.
  • πŸ¦‹ Like all Dunchman's Pipes we mentioned earlier, this plant is a great butterfly attractor.

πŸ›’ Shop Aristolochia vines

#Butterfly_Plants #Hedges_with_benefits

🏡 TopTropicals


Why sunflowers are growing on a tree?

Tree Marigold (Tithonia diversifolia)

Tree Marigold (Tithonia diversifolia)

Tree Marigold (Tithonia diversifolia)

Tree Marigold (Tithonia diversifolia)

Tree Marigold (Tithonia diversifolia)

Tree Marigold (Tithonia diversifolia)

Tree Marigold (Tithonia diversifolia)

🌼 Why sunflowers are growing on a tree?
  • 🌻 Sunflower tree or Tree Marigold (Tithonia diversifolia) that we mentioned earlier, is a perfect choice when you need a fast-growing shrub to hide unwanted view in just a few months.
  • 🌻 Beautiful sunflowers look really happy! The flowers that are about 3 inches wide.
  • 🌻 When it's fully grown, Sunflower Tree is about 10 feet tall and 10 feet wide, like a big, cozy blanket.
  • 🌻 Tolerates both cold and heat.
  • 🌻 Attracts lots of butterflies and bees πŸ¦‹πŸ
  • 🌻 If the winter was too cold, it still bounces back every spring, even stronger than before, like a champion.
  • 🌻 Sunflower Tree is a tough, colorful dense plant that grows fast and makes your yard look awesome.

πŸ›’ Get Sunflower Tree for your Happy Garden

#Hedges_with_benefits #Butterfly_Plants

🏡 TopTropicals


Why this Bleeding Heart is bleeding pink?

Clerodendrum speciosum - Red Bleeding Heart

❀️ Why this Bleeding Heart is bleeding pink?

Clerodendrum speciosum
, also known as the Red Bleeding Heart, is a captivating twist on the classic Bleeding Heart, C. thomsoniae that we mentioned earlier.
  • ❣️ Features stunning pink bracts and vibrant red heart-shaped flowers, enhancing the charm of the original variety.
  • ❣️ Vigorous and fast-growing vine, perfect for creating a privacy hedge (as on the video) or a cascading floral display over a fence.
  • ❣️ Butterflies and bees adore its bright pink-and-red flowers, making it a pollinator-friendly choice πŸ¦‹πŸ
  • ❣️ Ideal for quickly covering fences or structures with its lush, showy blooms in just one season.

πŸ›’ Order Red Bleeding Heart

#Butterfly_Plants #Hedges_with_benefits

🏡 TopTropicals


The number one flower for shady spots! Every tropical gardener wants Brunfelsias: the magical, fragrant shrubs of Day and Night

Brunfelsia lactea

Brunfelsia lactea

Brunfelsia australis

Brunfelsia australis

Brunfelsia grandiflora

Brunfelsia grandiflora

Brunfelsia manaca

Brunfelsia manaca

Brunfelsia grandiflora

Brunfelsia grandiflora

Brunfelsia paucifolia

Brunfelsia paucifolia

πŸŒ— The number one flower for shady spots! Every tropical gardener wants Brunfelsias: the magical, fragrant shrubs of Day and Night.
  • πŸ’  Brunfelsias are truly enchanting tropical flowers. There are two groups - purple-flowered and cream/white-flowered.
  • πŸ’  All Brunfelsias are wonderfully fragrant.
  • πŸ’  Perfect flowering shrub for shaded areas; ideal for growing in containers.
  • πŸ’  Compact and graceful growers.
  • πŸ’  Purple-flowered are known as Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow for their magical color transformation from purple to lavender to white over three days. Examples: B. grandiflora, B. paucifolia, B. australis.
  • πŸ’  White-flowered: intensely fragrant at night, earning the name Lady of the Night.

  • Examples: B. americana, B. nitida, B. plicata, B. manaca.
  • πŸ’  Hybrids: A standout hybrid is Brunfelsia isola, that we mentioned earlier. It is blending the best of both purple and white varieties, inheriting purple color from the purple parent and night fragrance from the white one.

πŸ“š Learn more about purple Brunfelsias:
Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow, Brunfelsia from Brazil

Shop different Brunfelsias

#Perfume_Plants #Hedges_with_benefits #Container_Garden #Shade_Garden

🏡 TopTropicals


How to cover a fence quickly with a large impressive vine? Try Fragrant Butter Cup of Gold with Coconut fragrance!

Solandra maxima variegata

Solandra maxima variegata

Solandra maxima variegata

Solandra maxima variegata

Solandra maxima variegata

Solandra maxima variegata

Solandra maxima variegata

Solandra maxima variegata

🌼 How to cover a fence quickly with a large impressive vine? Try Fragrant Butter Cup of Gold with Coconut fragrance! πŸ₯₯
  • πŸ† Variegated Butter Cup, Cup-of-Gold or Chalice Vine - Solandra maxima variegata - is a stunning Vine with large fragrant flowers shaped like chalices.

  • β˜€οΈ Very fast growing and large plant, needing a strong support or a fence.
  • β˜€οΈ Boasts glossy variegated leaves with bright purple flush on new growth.
  • β˜€οΈ Large, showy off-white flowers shaped like chalices, up to 7" across, are truly spectacular with reflexed lobes marked with a purplish brown ridge.
  • β˜€οΈ Fragrant, especially at night, the flowers emit a coconut-like scent πŸ₯₯
  • β˜€οΈ Blooming intermittently, mainly in the winter dry season, this vine adds charm to any garden with its striking beauty.

πŸ›’ Get your own Cup-of-Gold πŸ†

#Perfume_Plants #Hedges_with_benefits

🏡 TopTropicals


Another flamingo pink Quisqualis in full bloom


🦩 Another Flamingo pink Quisqualis in full bloom - you never have enough of this flower fruity fragrance!

πŸ›’ Get your own Quisqualis vine

#Butterfly_Plants #Perfume_Plants #Hedges_with_benefits

🏡 TopTropicals


Purple sandpaper? You cant get enough of this purple! And it has plenty of it: Queens Wreath

Petrea volubilis, Queen's Wreath, Sandpaper vine

Petrea volubilis, Queen's Wreath, Sandpaper vine

Petrea volubilis, Queen's Wreath, Sandpaper vine

Petrea volubilis, Queen's Wreath, Sandpaper vine

Petrea volubilis, Queen's Wreath, Sandpaper vine

Petrea volubilis, Queen's Wreath, Sandpaper vine

Petrea volubilis, Queen's Wreath, Sandpaper vine

Petrea volubilis, Queen's Wreath, Sandpaper vine

Petrea volubilis, Queen's Wreath, Sandpaper vine

Petrea volubilis, Queen's Wreath, Sandpaper vine

Petrea volubilis, Queen's Wreath, Sandpaper vine

Petrea volubilis, Queen's Wreath, Sandpaper vine

Petrea volubilis, Queen's Wreath, Sandpaper vine

Petrea volubilis, Queen's Wreath, Sandpaper vine

Petrea volubilis, Queen's Wreath, Sandpaper vine

Petrea volubilis, Queen's Wreath, Sandpaper vine

πŸ’œ πŸ‘‘ Purple sandpaper? You can't get enough of this purple! And it has plenty of it: Queen's Wreath.
  • 🟣 Petrea volubilis, also known as Queen's Wreath or Sandpaper vine, is a twining vine with large, rough leaves - just like a sandpaper!
  • 🟣 But look at the flowers - spectacular Royal show! Does it remind you of a Northern Wisteria? It is actually another common name of Petrea - Tropical Wisteria.
  • 🟣 The tall clusters of purple flowers, reaching over 1 foot long πŸ‘€ are truly spectacular.
  • 🟣 Thriving in warm and humid conditions, its blooms last a couple of days, but the blue calices persist much longer, and more new flowers are coming every day.
  • 🟣 Attracts butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds πŸ¦‹πŸ
  • 🟣 This woody vine grows fast and can cover a large fence within just a couple of seasons. It's a show stopper! πŸ‘

πŸ›’ Get the Royal Queen's Wreath πŸ‘‘

#Butterfly_Plants #Hedges_with_benefits

🏡 TopTropicals


Index of TopTropicals Telegram Channel

Index of TopTropicals Telegram Channel
πŸ—‚ Index of TopTropicals Telegram Channel

Follow these tags to find your interests:

πŸ¦‹ #Butterfly_Plants - Butterfly attracting plants.

#Container_Garden - Plants suitable for container garden and indoor culture.

🧯 #Fertilizers - All the truth about fertilizers, plant food supplements, and our recommendations for different types of plants.

πŸ₯­ #Food_Forest - Fruit trees, Spice plants, and Edibles.
Including: #Avocado, #Mango, #Papaya, #Guava, #Jackfruit, #Loquat

πŸ“– #Fun_Facts - interesting plant facts and legends.

🌳 #Hedges_with_benefits - Practical approach to your landscape and how to properly select showy and useful plants for your yard.

♍️ #Horoscope - Plant Horoscopes and Cat Horoscopes. Did you know that cats also have their Zodiac signs?

πŸ›  #How_to - Q&A about growing plants, tropical garden lifehacks.

πŸ‘€ #Nature_Wonders - Unusual, amusing, outrageous, bizarre plants...

#PeopleCats - our Favorite PeopleCats (and some PeopleDogs, too).

🌸 #Perfume_Plants - Fragrant plants and perfume trees.

✍️ #Quotes - Interesting quotes.

πŸ₯— #Recipes - Exotic recipes for tropical fruit and edibles.

#Remedies - Medicinal plants.

☁️ #Shade_Garden - Plants suitable for low light conditions.

🌼 #Tree
s - Spectacular flowering tropical trees.

πŸ† #Win - Contests, Sweepstakes, and other specials.

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Index of TopTropicals Telegram Channel

Index of TopTropicals Telegram Channel
πŸ—‚ Index of TopTropicals Telegram Channel

Follow these tags to find your interests:

πŸ¦‹ #Butterfly_Plants - Butterfly attracting plants.

#Container_Garden - Plants suitable for container garden and indoor culture.

🧯 #Fertilizers - All the truth about fertilizers, plant food supplements, and our recommendations for different types of plants.

πŸ₯­ #Food_Forest - Fruit trees, Spice plants, and Edibles.
Including: #Avocado, #Mango, #Papaya, #Guava, #Jackfruit

πŸ“– #Fun_Facts - interesting plant facts and legends.

🌳 #Hedges_with_benefits - Practical approach to your landscape and how to properly select showy and useful plants for your yard.

♍️ #Horoscope - Plant Horoscopes and Cat Horoscopes. Did you know that cats also have their Zodiac signs?

πŸ›  #How_to - Q&A about growing plants, tropical garden lifehacks.

πŸ‘€ #Nature_Wonders - Unusual, amusing, outrageous, bizarre plants...

#PeopleCats - our Favorite PeopleCats (and some PeopleDogs, too).

🌸 #Perfume_Plants - Fragrant plants and perfume trees.

✍️ #Quotes - Interesting quotes.

πŸ₯— #Recipes - Exotic recipes for tropical fruit and edibles.

#Remedies - Medicinal plants.

☁️ #Shade_Garden - Plants suitable for low light conditions.

🌼 #Tree
s - Spectacular flowering tropical trees.

πŸ† #Win - Contests, Sweepstakes, and other specials.

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🏡 TopTropicals