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What rare showy plant can I wish for that will thrive indoors?

Philodendron x Paraiso Verde

🧞 What rare showy plant can I wish for that will thrive indoors?
  • πŸ’š Philodendron x Paraiso Verde is a unique and visually striking, large-leaf plant that perfect for growing indoors, virtually care-free!
  • πŸ’š Stunning leaves: long, variegated leaves with a mix of green, cream, and sometimes pinkish hues.
  • πŸ’š Rare and exotic: it is highly sought after by plant enthusiasts and collectors due to its rarity and exotic appearance, and may be pretty expensive in trade.
  • πŸ’š Fast climber: capable of climbing up to 10 feet in a single season, with stems growing over an inch thick. Just provide a support and you will have a lush tropical paradise in no time.
  • πŸ’š Low maintenance: easy to care for, thriving in indirect light and requiring minimal watering. In captivity, indoors on a totem, Paraiso Verde is easy to grow and may only need to be trimmed once a year or so.
  • πŸ’š Air-purifying: helps purify the air by removing toxins, making it great for indoor environments - home or office.
  • πŸ’š Unique patterns: each leaf has a unique pattern, just like fingerprints! πŸ’…

  • It is making every plant distinct and adding a touch of individuality to your plant collection.
  • πŸ’š Tropical aesthetic: brings a lush, tropical feel to any space, perfect for creating an indoor jungle vibe. Truly beautiful!

πŸ›’ Get your own Philodendron x Paraiso Verde

#Container_Garden #Shade_Garden

🏡 TopTropicals


Why is it called Rabbits Foot Fern

Humata (Davallia) tyermannii - White Rabbits Foot Fern

Humata (Davallia) tyermannii - White Rabbits Foot Fern

 Humata (Davallia) tyermannii - White Rabbits Foot Fern

Humata (Davallia) tyermannii - White Rabbits Foot Fern

 Humata (Davallia) tyermannii - White Rabbits Foot Fern

Humata (Davallia) tyermannii - White Rabbits Foot Fern

⚑️ #Fun_Facts: Why is it called Rabbits Foot Fern

🐰 Humata (Davallia) tyermannii, or White Rabbits Foot Fern has fuzzy rhizomes resembling soft rabbit's feet, adding a whimsical touch to its appearance.

πŸ›’ Order


🏡 TopTropicals


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Sunshine Orchidasm Fertilizer

Sunshine Orchidasm Fertilizer

Orchids in bloom

πŸŒΈβ“How to grow everblooming orchids like these?
  • πŸ’‹Orchids culture is different from garden ornamental plants. They are epiphytes, so you cannot use regular garden fertilizer on orchids, because they are very sensitive to salts.
  • πŸ’‹Orchids need a special, acidic type of fertilizer, very mild in action.
  • πŸ’‹Sunshine Boosters formula is exactly what orchids need. It is amino-acid based, very mild, and doesn't create nutrient lock up (building up salts is one of the biggest enemies of tender orchids). Sunshine Boosters Orchidasm Complete Feed is scientifically balanced orchid food that contains all necessary nutrients, including micro-elements, for healthy, happy, vigorous orchids.
  • πŸ’‹ Sunshine Orchidasm can be used as often as daily with every foliage spray.
  • πŸ’‹From our testing experience, after using Orchidasm Booster, orchids not only get happy and thriving - they also bloom more often - up to several times a year, shooting new flower spikes one after another (while normal blooming cycle for most orchids is once a year). It gets even better - the flower display lasts twice longer!

😊To enjoy beautiful Orchid flowers year around - treat them with Love, give them some Orchidasm!

πŸ“š Learn more: Sunshine Orchidasm

πŸ›’ Order Sunshine Orchidasm

#Fertilizers #How_to #Container_garden

🏡 TopTropicals


What is a Snake Plant

Sansevieria cylindrica - Snake Plant

Sansevieria cylindrica - Snake Plant

Sansevieria cylindrica - Snake Plant

Sansevieria cylindrica - Snake Plant

Sansevieria cylindrica - Snake Plant flowers

Sansevieria cylindrica - Snake Plant flowers

⚑️ #Fun_Facts: What is a Snake Plant

🐍 Sansevieria cylindrica (Snake Plant) is known for its cylindrical, upright leaves that add a tough and architectural element to modern interior design. Not everyone knows that it also has sweetly perfumed flowers, which open only at night, emitting a delightful fragrance. This drought-tolerant plant is perfect for indoor growing and xeriscaping.

πŸ›’ Order Snake Plant


🏡 TopTropicals


How does Zig-Zag Cactus grow

Cryptocereus anthonyanus - Zig-Zag Cactus flower

Cryptocereus anthonyanus - Zig-Zag Cactus flower

Cryptocereus anthonyanus - Zig-Zag Cactus

Cryptocereus anthonyanus - Zig-Zag Cactus

Cryptocereus anthonyanus - Zig-Zag Cactus

Cryptocereus anthonyanus - Zig-Zag Cactus

⚑️ #Fun_Facts: Zig-Zag Cactus

πŸ₯¨ Cryptocereus anthonyanus (Zig-Zag Cactus) has zigzag-shaped stems and beautiful night-blooming flowers that make it a fascinating addition to cactus collections.

πŸ›’ Order Zig Zag Cactus


🏡 TopTropicals


Where does Blackberry Jam come from? It comes from Gardenia!

Randia formosa - Blackberry Jam Fruit, flower

Randia formosa - Blackberry Jam Fruit, fruit

Randia formosa - Blackberry Jam Fruit, fruit

πŸ₯’ Where does Blackberry Jam come from? It comes from Gardenia!

Randia formosa - Blackberry Jam Fruit, Jasmin de Rosa is a curious small evergreen tree from South America that combines features of a fragrant flower and delicious dessert fruit which tastes like fresh Blackberry jam. Fragrant white flowers are similar to Gardenia.

This relatively hardy tropical can be grown in a container as well as in the ground. It's very сompact (4-5 ft), perfect for container culture, will fruit in a container.

Kids love the fruit! Many claim that it is even better than Blackberry preserves.

Large tubular white flowers attract nocturnal moths. Since the plant is closely related to the gardenia (Rubiaceae plant family), its flowers are sweetly fragrant.

Produces as many as 25-30 fruits at a time. Since it blooms for a few months from Summer through Winter, fruiting and flowering can be enjoyed even when other plants are dormant.

Article about Blackberry Jam Fruit formosa

Order Blackberry Jam tree

#Food_Forest #Container_Garden

🏡 TopTropicals


How to grow Orchid Trees in pots

Orchid Trees in pots

🌸 How to grow Orchid Trees in pots

πŸ¦‹ Everyone loves beautiful Orchid trees with butterfly-like leaves and colorful orchid-like flowers. They are widely used in Southern landscapes. But what if you don't have a room in your garden for another tree? Or what if it gets too cold in winter for a tropical Orchid tree? You can grow it in a pot!

πŸ“ This is how to n enjoy the stunning flowers and foliage of Bauhinia right on your patio or balcony:
  • πŸ’  Choose the right variety. Some species suitable for containers:

  • B. galpinii, B. madagascariensis, B. monandra, B. alba (candida), B. acuminata, B. bidentata, B. blakeana, B. grandidieri and many others.
  • πŸ’  Choose the right pot: Select a large, sturdy pot with good drainage holes. Bauhinia trees have a vigorous root system
  • πŸ’  Use a well-draining potting mix. We recommend a professional soilless mix: Sunshine Abundance.
  • πŸ’  Sunny location: Position the pot in a location that receives full sun to partial shade. Bauhinia plants thrive in warm, sunny conditions.
  • πŸ’  Watering: Keep the soil slightly moist but not waterlogged. Water the plant when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch.
  • πŸ’  Fertilizing: For the most profuse flowering like in the video, feed the Bauhinia with liquid Sunshine Boosters Megaflor year around, it's safe with every watering.
  • πŸ’  Pruning: Prune the plant to maintain its shape and encourage bushier growth.
  • πŸ’  Winter Care: If you live in a region with cold winters, bring the pot indoors or to a sheltered location to protect the plant from frost.

πŸ“Έ Bauhinia monandra - Napoleons Plume Orchid Tree, starts flowering when only 2 ft tall and grows well in containers.

πŸ“š Earlier posts on Bauhinias: 1 2 3
Bauhinias: trees with Orchid Flowers and Butterfly Wings

πŸ›’ Shop Orchid Trees

#Container_Garden #How_to

🏡 TopTropicals


Why Pharaoh Mask has stunning 3D effect?

Colocasia Pharaoh Mask

🎭 Why Pharaoh Mask has stunning 3D effect?
  • πŸ‘Ί Colocasia Pharaoh Mask (tm) that we mentioned earlier is flourishing today in our garden!
  • πŸ‘Ί Vibrant green leaves highlighted by striking purple veins, giving a distinct 3D appearance.
  • πŸ‘Ί As they mature, the leaf edges curl, enhancing the purple veins. Each leaf, supported by sturdy, dark stems matching the veins' color, resembles a masquerade mask.
  • πŸ‘Ί A cluster of these plants creates a striking visual with its unique foliage and dark stems, standing out among other elephant ears.
  • πŸ‘Ί It's a must-have for any rare plant collector and is sure to be a showstopper and conversation piece!

πŸ“Έ More pictures in next post

πŸ›’ Get your own Pharaoh Mask

#Nature_Wonders #Shade_Garden #Container_Garden

🏡 TopTropicals


Why everyone wants the Sugar Apple?

Annona squamosa - Sugar apple, Red fruit Kampong Mauve

Annona squamosa - Sugar apple, Red fruit Kampong Mauve

Annona squamosa - Sugar apple, Green fruit Thai Lessard

Annona squamosa - Sugar apple, Green fruit Thai Lessard

🍏 Why everyone wants the Sugar Apple?

Annona squamosa - Sugar apple - is considered by many as the most delicious tropical fruit. We introduced the Annona trees earlier.
  • ✳️ Very small, compact tree, perfect for container or small yard, see photos from our Tropical Fruit Tree contest Winner.
  • ✳️ Starts fruiting within 3 year from seed!
  • ✳️ Easy to grow and undemanding
  • ✳️ The fruit is sheer deliciousness, pulp resembling custard.

πŸ›’ Order Sugar Apple

#Food_Forest #Container_Garden

🏡 TopTropicals


Money-making plant for your windowsil

Pilea peperomioides - Chinese Money Plant

Pilea peperomioides - Chinese Money Plant

πŸ’° Money-making plant for your windowsil
  • πŸ₯‡ Pilea peperomioides - Chinese Money Plant - is a perfect indoor plant that is famous for its lore of attracting money into your life! It is a small version of a money-making machine, in addition to the Good Luck Plant - Malabar Peanut we mentioned earlier.
  • πŸ₯‡ It is a highly sought-after houseplant and also known as the missionary plant, pancake plant, UFO plant.
  • πŸ₯‡ Known for its charming beauty and dwarf size, it is a perfect addition to the windowsill garden.
  • πŸ₯‡ The round, shiny, peltate leaves become mounded as the plant matures and give the appearance of large, green coins stacked on top of one another.
  • πŸ₯‡ Its adaptation to low light and succulent leaf structure make it an easy-care plant.

πŸ›’ Get your own Money Plant

#Container_Garden #Shade_Garden

🏡 TopTropicals