What is the best flowering shrub for a shady spot?

Aphelandra hartwegiana - Yellow Aphelandra

Aphelandra squarrosa - White Zebra Plant

Aphelandra sinclairiana - Panama Queen

Aphelandra x panamensis - Scarlet Candle
- ๐ฉ Aphelandra is hands down one of the best solutions for a shade garden where you want to see more colors. It is a great addition to a collectible tropical butterfly garden, can grow into 4-5" tall bushy specimen. Tolerates both sun and shade.
- ๐ฉAphelandras have beautiful lush foliage and showy, long terminal inflorescences throughout the warm season.
- ๐ฉThese flowers are loved by hummingbirds.
- ๐ฉAphelandra hartwegiana - Yellow Aphelandra. Yellow flowers emerge out of long orange stalks in the fall time. Pretty and unusual!
- ๐ฉAphelandra squarrosa Dania (Snow White) - White Zebra Plant. It is also one of the best house plants, not only pretty because of its white-veined "Zebra" foliage, but also for the apical inflorescence with its beautiful yellow bracts.
- ๐ฉAphelandra sinclairiana - Panama Queen, has extremely tropical look and fragrant flowers of unusual color combination: orange and pink.
- ๐ฉAphelandra x panamensis - Scarlet Candle - a rare hybrid with bright red flowers
๐ Learn more from previous posts:
Panama Queen
How to grow Zebra in container?
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