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Top 10 fast-fruiting trees:

Carambola - Starfruit (Averrhoa carambola)

Carambola - Starfruit (Averrhoa carambola)

⭐️ Top 10 fast-fruiting trees:
#8. Carambola - Starfruit (Averrhoa carambola)

💛 Growing Carambola tree is a fun and rewarding way to enjoy this unique star-shaped delicious fruit right at home. It fruits on the 3d year from seed. The tree is easy to grow and reliable producer, providing wind protection.

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Top 10 fast-fruiting trees:



🍇 Top 10 fast-fruiting trees:
#7. Mulberry (Morus hybrids)

💜 Mulberry is very cold hardy and can grow in wide range of climate zones, from USDA 5 to 10. Everyone knows this sweet, tasty, juicy fruit. The tree will produce right away, you will see fruit the next season after planting, and the tree grows fast.

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Top 10 fast-fruiting trees:

Papaya (Carica papaya)

Papaya (Carica papaya)

🍊 Top 10 fast-fruiting trees:
#6. Papaya (Carica papaya)

🧡 Papaya is probably the fastest fruiting tree that can start production the same year from planting a seed. Many dwarf varieties available in selection, reaching only 6-8 ft tall, but producing large crops of full size fruit - they are easy to harvest. Plant 2-3 Papaya trees of different cultivars that fruit at different times of the year and enjoy heavy crops of healthy fruit year around! Another benefit - this tree doesn't take much space in the garden, you can plant as many as you want.

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Fun Fact: what Bougainvillea is thornless and grows as a tree

Bougainvillea arborea

Bougainvillea arborea

Bougainvillea arborea

Bougainvillea arborea

😳 Fun Fact: what Bougainvillea is thornless and grows as a tree

💜 Bougainvillea arborea is a rare gem with fragrant lavender-pink blooms and no thorns! Its slow, compact growth naturally forms a charming tree shape, and best of all, it doesn’t need pruning—perfect for low-maintenance gardens.
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Top 10 fast-fruiting trees:

Loquat (Eriobotrya japonica)

Loquat (Eriobotrya japonica)

🍑 Top 10 fast-fruiting trees:
#5. Loquat (Eriobotrya japonica)

💛 Loquat tree is fast-growing, drought-tolerant, cold-tolerant, compact tropical fruit tree. It is a heavy producer. Fruits are juicy, aromatic, and resemble apricots. Ripen from early Spring to early Summer. Ideal for small gardens, beginner fruit tree growers.

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Top 10 fast-fruiting trees:

Barbados Cherry (Malpighia glabra)

Barbados Cherry (Malpighia glabra)

🍒 Top 10 fast-fruiting trees:
#4. Barbados Cherry (Malpighia glabra)

♥️ Another exceptional tropical cherry is Barbados Cherry. It is super popular as a heavy producer. The plant can start fruiting when it's only a few inches tall! If you are looking for a compact, but fast growing tree with colorful fruit that starts fruiting right away - plant Barbados Cherry. It will also happily fruit in containers.

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Save Double This Labor Day Weekend!

Happy Labor Day Cat

"The fruit of your own hard work is the sweetest." - Deepika Padukone

Labor Day is the perfect time to transform your yard into a tropical paradise! Join us this weekend to find large, well-developed fruit trees and stunning flowering tropical plants, ready to add beauty to your life. Take advantage of the summer growing season and give your garden the boost it deserves. Don't miss out on these incredible plants to make your yard a true oasis!

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Top 10 fast-fruiting trees:

Eugenias - Tropical Cherries

Eugenias - Tropical Cherries

🍒 Top 10 fast-fruiting trees:
#3. Eugenias - Tropical Cherries

💙 Eugenias are favorites of Southern gardens. They are relatively cold hardy and start producing right away. Black Surinam Cherry Lolita and Grumichama are our favorites!

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Top 10 fast-fruiting trees:

Guava (Psidium sp.) - Cattley and Tropical guava

Guava (Psidium sp.) - Cattley and Tropical guava

🍉 Top 10 fast-fruiting trees:
#2. Guava (Psidium sp.): Cattley and Tropical guava

❤️ Guava is a reliable producer, starts fruiting in a pot at small size. Some varieties, especially Cattley guavas - Psidium littorale - are relatively cold hardy and can take some frost without damage. Guavas are fast growing small trees or large bushes.

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Why Champaka tree is such a popular perfume tree

Joy Perfume tree - Magnolia (Michelia) champaca

🏆 Why Champaka tree is such a popular perfume tree
  • 🏵 The flowers from Champaka, or Joy Perfume tree (Magnolia (Michelia) champaca) - are used to make the world's most expensive perfume 'Joy' and smell like fruity bubble gum... you can't stop sticking your nose in this flower!
  • 🏵 Sacred tree of India and SE Asia. The flowers exude a divine fragrance that is exceedingly pleasing to the Gods... and women.
  • 🏵 The tree is very compact for both landscapes and containers. It has bushy, yet columnar shape. Can be grown in container with minimal pruning.
  • 🏵 Blooms on and off several times a year. Relatively cold hardy, but requires regular watering.

🎥 Yellow Champaka in bloom. This tree is 3 years old.

Learn more from previous posts:
Flower of the most expensive perfume
White Champaka
Article about Champaka

🛒 Shop Champaka - Joy Perfume Tree

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