A: Tropical plants donΓ’β¬β’t necessarily require
extensive care. Many options are low maintenance, effortless, and easy to grow,
including a variety of plants, trees, shrubs, and vines that demand minimal
upkeep. They are fast growing, not fussy about soil, cold- and heat-
resistant, and can rely on regular sprinkler irrigation. Below are six our favorites
- the easiest and most effortless tropical plants for your Southern
landscape. You can find the full list here.
1. Fruit tree: Lolita Cherry

uniflora - Black Surinam Cherry Lolita. The plant is vigorous and ready to
fruit the same year. The fruit has exceptional flavor, very sweet, without
aftertaste, large 1-1.2 inch, very juicy. Reliable producer. These cherries are
cold hardy and can take short periods of frost.
2. Flowering tree: Shaving Brush Tree

Pseudobombax ellipticum - Shaving Brush Tree is one of the coolest looking
flowering trees, this fast-growing tree bears spectacular showy staminate
flowers in the spring. It usually has no leaves at that time, which serves to show
off the large and striking blooms. Very low water needs, grows fast!
3. Flowering shrub: Firespike

cuspidatum - Firespike - ultimate butterfly magnet with showy bright red
flowers. Will take sun or shade. Very easy and happy plant!
4. Flowering vine: Bleeding Heart

thomsoniae - Bleeding Heart. One of the most spectacular blooming vines.
Spectacular, dramatic flowers are slightly flat, they have white sepals on either
side of bright crimson petals. The appearance may be liken to a line of
dangling hearts, each emerging from the other. Very easy to grow and undemanding
plant. Blooms in both sun or shade!
5. Small perennial: Ground Orchids - many colors!

Ground orchids are the easiest and most rewarding flowers for a tropical
garden. They thrive in regular garden soil or potting mix, tolerate both sun and
shade, and bloom nearly year-round. They take both sun or shade, are
cold-resistant and carefree. And look at these colors! From vibrant purples to soft
pinks and yellows, ground orchids bring a splash of tropical beauty with
minimal effort. Their consistent blooming makes them a must-have for gardeners seeking color all year.
6. Fragrant exotic: Queen of the Night

Epiphyllum oxypetalum - Queen of the Night - powerfully fragrant at
night! This special cactus grows in tropical rainforests and has large wide
meaty leaves. The flower is huge, white, and nocturnal. Blooms at night hours,
hence the name. One of the most exotic indoor plants, great shade garden
specimen. Easy to care, very low maintenance. Very low water needs.