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Do you forget to water houseplants? Its your perfect plant!

Chlorophytum orchidanteroides - Mandarin Plant

❤️ Do you forget to water houseplants? It's your perfect plant!
  • 🍊 Chlorophytum orchidanteroides - Mandarin Plant - is one of the most popular and colorful house plants and a shade garden favorite.
  • 🍊 It forms a gorgeous rosette of shiny, dark green pointed leaves with a glowing orange center. Sometimes the rich hues shift to pink or orange up the leaf's midrib, giving this plant a truly eye-catching look.
  • 🍊 A colorful cousin of the familiar Spider Plant, it can be grown in pots, mixed containers, or as a specimen shrub in shady tropical landscapes, tolerating similar indoor conditions as a Spider Plant.
  • 🍊 For the brightest colors, remove any basal sprouts that appear, so they don't crowd out the vivid growth.
  • 🍊 This plant doesn't like full sun, and prefers its soil to dry slightly before watering, making it an easy-care and stunning choice for anyone looking to add a splash of color to their indoor collection.

🛒 Get your Mandarin Plant

#Shade_Garden #Container_Garden

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The most unusual, fast growing butterfly bush: Summer Snow

Malvaviscus x penduliflorus Variegata - Summer Snow

🔥The most unusual, fast growing butterfly bush: Summer Snow

😐 Malvaviscus x penduliflorus Variegata - "Summer Snow"- is very rare variegated variety Turk's Cap, or Firecracker Hibiscus. It will grow into a full size 6 ft large bush within just one season! Some leaves can be completely white! If trained into a standard, it will look like a decorated Christmas tree!

📚 More from previous post:
How Turk's Cap can be full of snow in Summer

🛒 Order Summer Snow

#Hedges_with_benefits #Butterfly_Plants

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Laundry or nap? Never a question

Laundry or nap? Never a question
😐 Laundry or nap? Never a question

"When the laundry basket is full, but so is my desire to nap."

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How to Grow Jackfruit: Practical Guide

Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) tree

Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) tree

Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) fruit

Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) fruit

Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) fruit at the base of the tree

Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) fruit at the base of the tree

Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) fruit at the base of the tree

Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) fruit at the base of the tree

🫡 How to Grow Jackfruit: Practical Guide
  • 🍈 Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) is a tropical tree that produces the largest fruit in the world, weighing up to 80 pounds and reaching 36 inches in length. The trees thrive in frost-free, humid climates with plenty of sunlight. They require well-draining soil rich in organic matter and regular watering to flourish. Despite their reputation as ultra-tropical, mature Jackfruit trees can tolerate light frost for a few hours without significant damage. Additionally, they can be grown in containers in colder areas with proper care and pruning.
  • 🍈 What Climate is Essential for Growing Jackfruit Trees?

  • Jackfruit trees require a tropical or subtropical climate, with temperatures ideally between 60-95°F. While young trees are frost-sensitive, mature trees can withstand light frost for short periods. However, cold winters can reduce fruit production. Frost-free temperatures are crucial for optimal growth and fruiting.
  • 🍈 How Often Do Trees Need Fertilizing, and What is the Best Type of Feed?

  • Jackfruit trees are heavy feeders. Fertilizing them regularly is key to their health and productivity. During the active growing season (spring to fall), apply a balanced dry fertilizer once a month. Liquid amino-acid-based fertilizers, such as Sunshine Boosters, can be used year-round with every watering. These fertilizers help maintain healthy growth and encourage abundant fruiting. Supplement with organic matter like compost, manure, or peat moss to enrich the soil.
  • 🍈 How Important is Pruning, and When is the Right Time to Prune?

  • Pruning is essential for maintaining a manageable tree size and promoting healthy fruit production. Jackfruit trees produce fruit at the base of the trunk, allowing them to be pruned annually to a height of 7-12 feet. This practice not only makes harvesting easier but also encourages more fruiting. Prune after the fruiting season or in late fall to remove excess growth and shape the tree. Regular pruning also improves air circulation and reduces the risk of disease.
  • 🍈 Key Tips for Successful Jackfruit Production

  • · Climate: Ensure frost-free temperatures and adequate humidity.
  • · Soil: Use well-draining soil enriched with organic matter.
  • · Watering: Maintain consistent soil moisture without waterlogging.
  • · Pruning: Keep the tree under 7-10 feet for easier management and better yield.
  • · Fertilizing: Apply balanced fertilizers and supplements regularly.

🍈 Jackfruit facts
  • · The fruit consists of large, edible bulbs of yellow, sweet, banana-pineapple-flavored aromatic flesh.
  • · Seedlings start fruiting within 3-4 years, with fruit ripening 4-6 months after flowering.
  • · A mature tree can produce up to 200 pounds of fruit annually.
  • · For colder regions, growing Jackfruit in containers is an option, provided the tree is regularly pruned and topped.

👍 Jackfruit trees grow fast and fruit abundantly with proper care, making them an exotic addition to tropical fruit collections.

📚 From previous posts:
The largest tree-borne fruit in the world
How to grow the biggest fruit on Earth

🛒 Plant your own Jackfruit

#Food_Forest #How_to

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Sing away to feel happy!

🎤 Sing away to feel happy! Sound on 🤩

🎵 "When I sing, I feel happy. When I stop singing, I feel like I should have kept going." - Minnie Mouse

🎥 Bob is singing and feeling happy
More: #SingingCats

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The first pictures ever! The rarest Ginger Borneo Pink (New Guinea)

Riedelia coralina - Coral Ginger Borneo Pink (New Guinea)

Riedelia coralina - Coral Ginger Borneo Pink (New Guinea)

Riedelia coralina - Coral Ginger Borneo Pink (New Guinea)

Riedelia coralina - Coral Ginger Borneo Pink (New Guinea)

Riedelia coralina - Coral Ginger Borneo Pink (New Guinea)

Riedelia coralina - Coral Ginger Borneo Pink (New Guinea)

Riedelia coralina - Coral Ginger Borneo Pink (New Guinea)

Riedelia coralina - Coral Ginger Borneo Pink (New Guinea)

Riedelia coralina - Coral Ginger Borneo Pink (New Guinea)

Riedelia coralina - Coral Ginger Borneo Pink (New Guinea)

Riedelia coralina - Coral Ginger Borneo Pink (New Guinea)

Riedelia coralina - Coral Ginger Borneo Pink (New Guinea)

☄️ The first pictures ever! The rarest Ginger Borneo Pink (New Guinea)

👆 For the previous post: more pictures of the rarest ginger - Riedelia coralina - Coral Ginger Borneo Pink (New Guinea)

🔥 This variety is virtually unknown in mainstream horticulture, making it a prized collector's item. Any plants in cultivation likely come from very limited nursery sources or specialty plant imports.

🛒 Only a few plants available: Coral Ginger Borneo Pink

#Shade_Garden #Nature_Wonders #Container_Garden

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Finally - the first image on Internet: rare ginger Borneo Pink (New Guinea)

Riedelia coralina - Coral Ginger Borneo Pink (New Guinea)

😱 Finally - the first image on Internet: rare ginger Borneo Pink (New Guinea)
  • ❤️ Riedelia coralina - Coral Ginger Borneo Pink (New Guinea)
  • ❤️ This super rare ginger finally bloomed for us! We grew this rare specimen from seeds form the collection of Mark Hooten, S. Florida horticulturist. The species close related to Burbidgea. Riedelia coralina is so rare that published information about this exact species is extremely hard to find. Most references to it appear in specialized collector circles rather than in widely available horticultural or botanical literature.
  • ❤️ We have only a few plants, ginger collectors, hurry up!

It is so rare you can't even find images on Internet. This will be the first one!

📚 Learn more about gingers from previous posts:

🛒 Get collectible Coral Ginger Borneo Pink

#Shade_Garden #Nature_Wonders #Container_Garden

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Forest wilderness

Forest wilderness
🍑 Forest wilderness

"The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness."
- John Muir

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#PeopleCats #Quotes

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How to take care of a mango tree in winter

How to take care of a mango tree in winter
🥭 How to take care of a mango tree in winter

  • ❄️ Watering

  • During winter, mango trees need minimal watering. Overwatering can cause root rot, especially when temperatures are low. Water the tree only when the soil feels dry about 2 inches deep.

  • ❄️ Fertilizing

  • Avoid feeding in the winter with dry fertilizer. It may cause root burn, plus encourages new growth that is more susceptible to cold damage. Wait until spring when the weather warms up to resume heavy feeding your tree. You can continue using Sunshine Boosters natural liquid fertilizers - Sunshine Mango Tango: it is safe to apply year around since its intake is regulated by reduced water, and only the necessary amount of essential elements will be delivered.

  • ❄️ Temperature Protection

  • Mango trees are sensitive to cold. If you live in a region with freezing temperatures, move your mango tree indoors or to a sheltered location like a garage with a bright light source. If it's in a small container, consider bringing it inside for the winter.

  • ❄️ Sunlight

  • Ensure the tree gets as much sunlight as possible. If indoors, place it near a South-facing window where it can soak up the sun during the day.

  • ❄️ Check for Pests

Winter can bring pests indoors. Regularly inspect the tree for any signs of insect problems around the leaves and stems.

By following these guidelines, your mango tree will be healthier and better prepared for the next growing season.

📚 Learn more: Mango trees and how to deal with cold weather.

🛒 Shop Mango varieties

📝 Earlier posts on #Mango:

#Food_Forest #Mango

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Time to paws and reflect

Time to paws and reflect
🕯 Time to paws and reflect

"I’m the one in charge of the purr-fect timing!"

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