Why Adeniums are the most popular container plants

Varieties of Desert roses - Adeniums - chart
- 🌸 Desert roses - Adeniums - are among the most popular container plants. Why? Because they are:
· Easy to grow and can thrive in both sun and shade, indoors, and in low humidity.
- · Drought-tolerant, requiring minimal water and able to go long periods without it.
- · Not fussy about soil pH.
- · Stunning bloomers with showy flowers.
- · Unique and eye-catching, with a curious caudex that forms unusual shapes.
- 🌸 How many varieties and colors of desert roses out there?
· At Top Tropicals, we offer over 200 varieties of Adeniums, with more than 100 available in stock at any time.
- · With so many colors of hybrids available in cultivation, you want to collect them all!
- · Double flowers, red, purple, yellow, striped, dotted, rainbow, and even black flowers!
🌸 The secret to creating a large, swollen caudex:
Raise the plant slightly every time you repot it, exposing the upper part of the roots. This encourages the plant to form more roots that grow downward.
Unlike most tropical and houseplants, Adeniums prefer neutral to hard water. They have very low water needs and can grow in full sun or shade.
📸 In the photo: Selected Adenium hybrids currently available from TopTropicals
📚 More about Adeniums:
How to grow a happy Adenium
What is the easiest container plant with beautiful flowers
Multi-grafted Adenium with different colors of flowers on the same plant
What you need for successful growing Adeniums
🛍 Shop Adenium colors and hybrids
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