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What Fertilizer to Use and How?

How to use Sunshine Boosters video

It's springtime - your plants are growing and need more food! Now is the perfect time to fertilize. Our customers have been stocking up on fertilizers and asking lots of questions.
In addition to our recent article What Fertilizer to Use Now and How? Five important keys to healthy plants, we're excited to share this short video on how to use Sunshine Boosters.

Our PeopleCats actively participated in the production with real hands-on (paws-on) involvement. Enjoy the show - and your happy plants!

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Cat with fertilizers


Secret is Patience

Secret is Patience
Secret is Patience

"Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Have you ever seen a pink gardenia?

Kopsia fruticosa - Pink Gardenia

🥰 Have you ever seen a pink gardenia?
  • 🌸 Kopsia fruticosa also called "Pink Gardenia", is one of nature's most exquisite and elusive treasures. Technically not a Gardenia, this beauty is a close relative of Plumeria and Adenium as well as Tabernaemontana (also often confused with Gardenia). All these beauties belong to the esteemed plant family Apocynaceae.
  • 🌸 This bush has been in bloom for us for many months, since Fall, through Winter, and and is still flowering!

Learn more about this elusive treasure:
What is pink gardenia? Does it exist?

🛍 Get your own Pink Gardenia

#Nature_Wonders #Container_Garden

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Talent at hard work

🏃‍♂️ Talent at hard work

"Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard." - Tim Notke

📸 Our talented friend Pelmen

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What are the flowers of Macadamia nuts

Macadamia flowers (Macadamia integrifolia)

😘 What are the flowers of Macadamia nuts
  • 🌰 Macadamia trees are in full bloom now at our farm! The trees have stunning panicles of flowers.
  • 🌰 Macadamia trees (Macadamia integrifolia) are known for their delicious flavor and high price tag, but you can grow these sweet nuts right in your garden!
  • 🌰 Cold-Hardy and Productive: Thrives in all Florida soils, and can tolerate both flooding and drought once established.

  • Beautiful Flowers: The tree features stunning panicles of flowers, adding beauty to your garden.
  • 🌰 Water & Soil Tolerance: Macadamia trees like water, but can become drought-tolerant once mature. Adapts well to all soil types.
  • 🌰 Nutrient-Rich: Macadamia nuts are packed with healthy fats, vitamins, and antioxidants, promoting heart health, digestion, and more.
  • 🌰 Fun Fact: The hardest-shelled nut in the world, macadamia nuts may help with weight management while offering numerous health benefits.

📚 More about Macadamia tree:
Ten best fruit trees to grow in Florida and Southern landscapes. # 6: Macadamia Nut Tree.
How to grow your own Sweet Macadamia Nuts

🛍 Plant a Macadamia Tree


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Freedom to be yourself

Freedom to be yourself
🌈 Freedom to be yourself😍

"A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself." - Jim Morrison

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How to grow tons of fruit in limited space - its incredible!

100 Papaya trees in 6"x100" strip

💥 How to grow tons of fruit in limited space - it's incredible!
  • 🍊 Yesterday we planted 100 Papaya trees in 6"x100" strip of the garden. That’s right - 100! This year, we’ll have BILLIONS and BILLIONS of fruit. Unbelievable! You should do it too. And here's how.
  • 🍊 Want to grow more fruit trees? Different varieties? But look at your space - it's never enough! What can you do? Most people have no clue. But we do.
  • 🍊 "Fruit cocktail trees" - great idea, right? Different varieties grafted onto one tree. Used to be very popular, especially citrus. But guess what? Doesn’t work well. The strongest variety takes over, dominates - very unfair.
  • 🍊 The best solution? It's called "One Hole Planting." Genius! Just plant several varieties in the SAME hole. Each variety gets its own root system - no fighting, no losers. Just winners.
  • 🍊 The absolute best candidates? Papaya Trees! (Carica papaya). They grow tall, straight, strong - just like a palm tree!
  • 🍊 Here’s the trick: plant several varieties together. Both male and female trees (you thought male papaya was useless? Plant it in, and watch what happens!). It's the best way! Saves space, supercharges pollination, maximizes fruit production. You get different flavors, non-stop harvests.
  • 🍊 Watch the video - 14 huge holes, 100 trees! It’s going to be HUGE! And guess what? We'll be back in just a few weeks - showing off the harvest! Stay tuned!

📚 Learn more from previous posts:

🛒 Shop Papaya Trees

#Food_Forest #Papaya #How_to

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The Royal Snow White that everyone loves

Petrea glandulosa Alba, White Queen's Wreath.

👑 The Royal Snow White that everyone loves
  • 👻 This snow white sister of Petrea volubilis (Queen's Wreath or Sandpaper vine) that we mentioned earlier is called Petrea glandulosa Alba, or White Queen's Wreath.
  • 👻 It is a rare variety of Petrea. Unlike its purple cousin, it boasts clusters of snow-white, pinwheel-shaped flowers that cascade gracefully, resembling a delicate white wisteria.
  • 👻 These blooms appear from late winter through spring, creating a stunning display that will captivate any onlooker. The tall clusters of flower can be reaching over 1 foot long!
  • 👻 Its lush green, sandpaper-like leaves provide a perfect backdrop, enhancing the contrast with the brilliant white flowers.
  • 👻 Thriving in warm and humid conditions, its blooms last a couple of days, but the blue calices persist much longer, and more new flowers are coming every day.
  • 👻 Attracts butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds 🦋🐝
  • 👻 This vigorous vine has woody stems and requires sturdy support, such as a fence or large trellis, to showcase its full beauty. It grows fast and can cover a large fence within just a couple of seasons.

🛍 Shop Petrea - Queen's Wreath

#Butterfly_Plants #Hedges_with_benefits

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"True friendship comes when the silence between two people is comfortable." - David Tyson

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Why do you need Sunshine Boosters?

Why do you need Sunshine Boosters?

👍 Why do you need Sunshine Boosters?
  • 👍Ever wanted to grow plants that reward you with lush foliage, cheerful flowers, or abundant fruit without the hassle?

  • Sunshine Boosters is your answer. These are natural liquid fertilizers for all kinds of plants and edibles.
    And they are super easy to use!
    All you need is a watering can, water, and a measuring cup.
  • 👍 Sunshine Boosters are pet-safe and eco-friendly because they're made with organic amino acids - and you can use them year-round.
  • 👍 Sunshine Boosters come in different formulas, or "flavors," to match your plant’s needs:

  • - For lush, green foliage
    - For fruit trees, including mango and citrus
    - For boosting blooms - from fragrant flowers to orchids and bromeliads
  • 👍 Sunshine Boosters offer both essential plant food and supplements - micro-elements and growth stimulants - just like vitamins for people!

📱 Watch this video in high quality on YouTube:

🛍 Get Sunshine Boosters and make your plants happy

#Fertilizers #How_to

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