What is in bloom right now?

😡 Orchid trees are among the most spectacular trees in Florida, flowering from late winter through spring. They are fast-growing, not fussy about soil or water, and bloom for several weeks in a stunning display of white, purple, pink, or red flowers.
📸 Bauhinia alba (candida) - White Orchid Tree - the most cold-hardy of all Bauhinias, tolerating temperatures as low as 26F. You can see them in full bloom across Florida right now!
📚 Orchid trees from previous posts:
- 💋Pure white and elegant
- 💋The most beautiful of all orchid trees - Hong Kong
- 💋Orchid tree with stunning red-and-yellow flowers
- 💋How to grow Orchid Trees in pots
- 💋Pride of De Kaap or Nasturtium Bauhinia
- 💋What is the best shade tree that is fast growing and beautiful?
- 💋Why Bauhinias are called Orchid Trees: orchid flowers with butterfly wings
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