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What trees are fruiting and blooming right now?

Tabebuia chrysotricha - Dwarf Golden Tabebuia

Photo above: Tabebuia chrysotricha - Dwarf Golden Tabebuia

Q: What tropical trees are fruiting and flowering in March?

A: There's always something blooming and fruiting, especially with spring on the way! Our garden is buzzing with bees and butterflies, and in the nursery, you'll always find plants in bloom or bearing fruit. Here are a few standout winners of the season.

Orchid Trees

Bauhinia alba (candida) - White Orchid Tree

Orchid trees are among the most spectacular trees in Florida, flowering from late winter through spring. They are fast-growing, not fussy about soil or water, and bloom for several weeks in a stunning display of white, purple, pink, or red flowers. In the photo: Bauhinia alba (candida) - White Orchid Tree - the most cold-hardy of all Bauhinias, tolerating temperatures as low as 26F. You can see them in full bloom across Florida right now!

Carambola - Star Fruit

Starfruit (Averrhoa carambola)

Starfruit trees (Averrhoa carambola) have been fruiting in our garden since fall, and they just keep producing! We've had so many starfruits that we ended up making lots of jam.


Calliandra tweedi With Love - Red Tassel Flower

Calliandras are known to be spectacular winter bloomers, but in our garden, they seem to flower year-round. They make fantastic ever-blooming hedges or striking small specimen trees.
In the photo: red-flowering Calliandra tweedii "With Love" - Red Tassel Flower, yright now, this beautiful bush is covered in red blooms in front of our office at Sebring Farm.

Mulberry Trees

Mulberry fruit on the tree

Yes, it's Mulberry season! Some varieties have already ripened, while others are just about to. We're competing with the birds to see who gets the first fruit, but honestly, there's plenty for everyone! These trees are very cold hardy and highly productive.

Loquat Trees

Loquat tree Eriobotrya japonica

Loquat trees (Eriobotrya japonica) are loaded with fruit right now! We've started picking them and have already made some delicious preserves - you can only eat so many fresh. Loquats continue fruiting through April and May, making them one of the most rewarding, easy-to-grow, and productive fruit trees.

Tabebuia Trees

Tabebuia impetiginosa - Dwarf Pink Tabebuia, Pau DArco, Taheebo

Tabebuia trees put on a spectacular show from late winter through spring! Golden and pink Tabebuias are small, compact trees that fit any yard and deliver a breathtaking display year after year.
Check out these short videos of blooming Tabebuias:
Tabebuia chrysotricha - Dwarf Golden Tabebuia
Tabebuia impetiginosa - Dwarf Pink Tabebuia, Pau DArco, Taheebo


What Fertilizer to Use and How?

How to use Sunshine Boosters video

It's springtime - your plants are growing and need more food! Now is the perfect time to fertilize. Our customers have been stocking up on fertilizers and asking lots of questions.
In addition to our recent article What Fertilizer to Use Now and How? Five important keys to healthy plants, we're excited to share this short video on how to use Sunshine Boosters.

Our PeopleCats actively participated in the production with real hands-on (paws-on) involvement. Enjoy the show - and your happy plants!

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Cat with fertilizers


Why do you need Sunshine Boosters?

Why do you need Sunshine Boosters?

👍 Why do you need Sunshine Boosters?
  • 👍Ever wanted to grow plants that reward you with lush foliage, cheerful flowers, or abundant fruit without the hassle?

  • Sunshine Boosters is your answer. These are natural liquid fertilizers for all kinds of plants and edibles.
    And they are super easy to use!
    All you need is a watering can, water, and a measuring cup.
  • 👍 Sunshine Boosters are pet-safe and eco-friendly because they're made with organic amino acids - and you can use them year-round.
  • 👍 Sunshine Boosters come in different formulas, or "flavors," to match your plant’s needs:

  • - For lush, green foliage
    - For fruit trees, including mango and citrus
    - For boosting blooms - from fragrant flowers to orchids and bromeliads
  • 👍 Sunshine Boosters offer both essential plant food and supplements - micro-elements and growth stimulants - just like vitamins for people!

📱 Watch this video in high quality on YouTube:

🛍 Get Sunshine Boosters and make your plants happy

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Why Adeniums are the most popular container plants

Adeniums in pots

What is the easiest and most showy plant for your patio or poolside?

Q: Can you recommend a compact, showy plant for a container by the pool that will bloom with minimal care and survive if I forget to water it? I need 4-5 of them... Does such a plant even exist, or is that too much to ask?

A: Surprisingly, such a plant does exist! Meet the Desert Rose - Adenium - the perfect flowering plant for low-maintenance beauty. Just look at those colors!

Why choose Adenium for your container garden?

Desert roses - Adeniums - are among the most popular container plants for both indoor and outdoor settings. Here's why:
- Easy to grow - Thrives in sun or shade, indoors, and in low humidity.
- Drought-tolerant - Requires minimal water and can go long periods without it.
- Not picky about soil and pH.
- Spectacular blooms - Produces vibrant, showy flowers.
- Unique and eye-catching - Forms a curious, swollen caudex with unusual shapes.

How many varieties and colors are out there?

- At Top Tropicals, we offer over 200 varieties of Adeniums, with more than 100 in stock at any time.
- With so many stunning hybrid colors, you'll want to collect them all!
- Enjoy double flowers, red, purple, yellow, striped, dotted, rainbow, and even black flowers!

The secret to a large, swollen caudex:

- Raise the plant slightly each time you repot it, exposing the upper part of the roots - this encourages the plant to form more roots that grow downward.
- Unlike most tropical and houseplants, Adeniums prefer neutral to hard water, have very low water needs, and can thrive in full sun or shade.

Adeniums truly check all the boxes for a carefree, long-blooming, and striking poolside or patio plant!

Adeniums caudexes


New Adeniums and March discount

Cat with adeniums desert roses

We received a THOUSAND NEW ADENIUMS from Thailand - beautiful, well-developed plants with big caudex, ready to bloom! They are finally available for those on the waiting list for specific colors. But hurry! Each variety is available in limited quantities (fewer than 10 per type), and they won't last long - first come, first served!

Everyone loves the colorful, showy Adeniums, and it's easy to see why so many gardeners want to collect them all! With so many varieties to choose from, picking just one can be tough. That's why we're offering a special discount: Save 10% when you buy 2 or more Adeniums! You can also add other plants to your shopping cart for a minimum $99 order and get more plants for the value!

Use this 10% discount code when you buy at least 2 adeniums, or any other plants with min. order $99:


Min order $99. Excluding S/H. Exp. 3-11-25

Reminder: use our FREE and DISCOUNTED SHIPPING for qualified orders

Check out video of the new arrivals of Adeniums
and available colors below

Adeniums in pots

Adenium varieties chart


How many varieties of Bananas can I grow?

Bananas (Musa sp.) in containers

🍌 How many varieties of Bananas can I grow?
  • 💛 At Top Tropicals, we have a few dozen varieties of Bananas (Musa sp.) - ranging from popular commercial and plantain types to spectacular ornamental bananas with colorful, tropical foliage.
  • 💛 Banana plants are a favorite in Southern gardens, indoor plant collections, and greenhouses in cooler climates. Fast and easy to grow, they transform any space into a tropical paradise in just one season and can produce fruit for you in as little as 8–18 months after planting.
  • 💛 Bananas are a powerhouse of nutrition, packed with potassium for heart health, fiber for digestion, and vitamins B6 and C for immunity. They’re a natural energy booster, great for snacks, smoothies, and even baking. Plus, their tryptophan content can improve your mood, and their low sodium helps regulate blood pressure.
  • 💛 With so many delicious and unique varieties, growing different types of bananas lets you enjoy a range of flavors, textures, and uses - whether fresh, blended, or cooked - making them a must-have in any tropical or indoor garden!

Discover the most popular edible and ornamental bananas in our next post 🔽

🎥 Banana selection today at TopTropicals farm. Come over to pick the best one!

📚 More about Banana from previous posts:

🛍 Shop Banana varieties


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What Fertilizer to Use Now and How?

Sunshine Boosters Microelement Supplements

Sunshine Boosters Microelement Supplements

🍲 What Fertilizer to Use Now and How?
Part 3. Micro elements
  • ✔️ Microelement Supplements Are a Must

  • Besides macronutrients (daily plant food), plants need additional microelements, just like humans need vitamins. Be sure to apply these supplements along with your regular plant food:
  • ✔️ For Green Leaves and Health

  • Sunshine SuperFood - Complex Microelement Supplement: a must for healthy plants and beautiful, green leaves. Apply once a month.
  • ✔️ For Stress Relief

  • Did you know that plants get stressed out too? Too much sun, to wet, too dry, too cold, or simply bugged by insects!
    Sunshine-Epi - Brassinosteroid Plant Hormone: essential for plants recovering from stress (shipping, transplanting, drought, insect damage, cold stress, etc.). Apply as needed.
  • ✔️ For Sweeter, Bigger Fruit

  • Sunshine Honey - Fruit Sugar Booster: application on fruit trees will make fruit bigger and sweeter by directing sugars to the fruit from other plant parts, and helps to prevent bud drop. Apply 4 times a year: at bud setting, flowering, fruit setting, and after harvesting.
  • ✔️ For Better Resistance

Sunshine Power Si - Silicon Protector - enhances resistance to insects, diseases, drought, and frost, while boosting growth. Apply once a month, along with Sunshine SuperFood.

🛍 Shop Sunshine Boosters

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What Fertilizer to Use Now and How?

Sunshine Megaflor - Bloom Booster

Sunshine Megaflor - Bloom Booster

Sunshine C-Cibus - Crop Booster

Sunshine C-Cibus - Crop Booster

Sunshine Pikake - Fragrant Plant Booster

Sunshine Pikake - Fragrant Plant Booster

Sunshine Mango Tango for Mango and Avocado trees

Sunshine Mango Tango for Mango and Avocado trees

Sunshine Robusta - Rapid Growth Booster

Sunshine Robusta - Rapid Growth Booster

🍲 What Fertilizer to Use Now and How?
Part 2. Macro elements, or everyday plant food

Sunshine Booster for different types of plants can be applied as often as with every watering.
  • ✔️ For Rapid Growth

  • Sunshine Robusta - Rapid Growth Booster: general fertilizer for both foliage plants and small starters that need an extra boost.
  • ✔️ For Flowers

  • Sunshine Megaflor - Bloom Booster: boosts flowers on established plants; and Sunshine Pikake - Fragrant Plant Booster: best for fragrant flowers.
  • ✔️ For Fruit Trees

  • Sunshine C-Cibus - Crop Booster: contains all necessary elements for fruit trees and their production.
    Sunshine Mango Tango - specifically formulated for Mango and Avocado trees, and Sunshine Citron - ideal for citrus trees.
  • ✔️ For Tender Perennials

  • Sunshine Orchidasm - Orchid Total Feed and Sunshine Ananas - Pineapple and Bromeliad Booster: mild formulas for these tender perennials.
  • ✔️ Microelement Supplements Are a Must

Besides macronutrients, plants need additional microelements, just like humans need vitamins. We will explain in details about micro-elements in our next post 🔽

🛍 Shop Sunshine Boosters

#Fertilizers #How_to

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Thank You for a Beautiful Spring Plant Market!

Spring Plant Market at Top 

A huge thank you to everyone who joined us for our Spring Plant Market on March 1! It was a perfect early spring day - nice, warm, sunny, and just right for planting. We loved seeing so many familiar faces, welcoming new friends, and sharing the joy of nature together.

Our friendly PeopleCats were hard at work, guiding guests through the garden as they picked out the perfect plants to brighten their spaces. The energy was vibrant, and the smiles were endless!

Check out the event photos made by Damien (he's got some great portraits of people and PeopleCats!). If you see yourself or your friends, save or forward to share the memories! We wish you the best of luck with all your new plants, and we can’t wait to see you again at our next event. Happy planting!

Your TopTropicals Team works hard in the field and is always happy to help with your garden needs, plant selection, delivery, and installation: Kristi, Jamie, Onika, Damien, Chiane, Beatriz, Fermin, Mark.

See more:
Facebook Reals of the event mementos
Hand Pan Lady Performance Facebook video

Spring Plant Market at Top Tropicals

Spring Plant Market at Top 

Spring Plant Market at Top 

Spring Plant Market at Top 

Spring Plant Market at Top 

Spring Plant Market at Top 

Spring Plant Market at Top Tropicals

Spring Plant Market at Top 

Spring Plant Market at Top Tropicals

Spring Plant Market at Top Tropicals

Spring Plant Market at Top 


What Fertilizer to Use Now and How?

Sunshine Boosters liquid fertilizers

Sunshine Boosters liquid fertilizers

🍲 What Fertilizer to Use Now and How?
Part 1. What are important keys to healthy plants

Q: It's early Spring this year. Should I start fertilizing my plants sooner than usual?
  • ✔️ A: Most fertilizer instructions recommend fertilizing tropical plants from March to November. This is because plants don't need as much food during the cooler months when many go dormant, and excess nutrients can burn the roots if not absorbed. However, for the most effective fertilizer program and healthy plants, consider these points:
  • ✔️ Sunshine Boosters Year-Round

  • Liquid amino-acid-based fertilizers like Sunshine Boosters are safe to use year-round. Since watering is reduced in cooler weather, the intake of water-soluble fertilizer is also lower, providing plants with just the essential nutrients for their minimal needs.
  • ✔️ Dry Fertilizer Schedule

  • Be cautious with dry fertilizers. Apply them only during active growth in the hot season.
  • ✔️ Temperature Is Key

  • If March is still cold, delay dry fertilizer use. However, if nighttime temperatures in February stay above 65F, you can start a dry fertilizer program using slow-release, granulated plant food.
  • ✔️ What Fertilizers to Use and How

Check out our Sunshine Boosters selection for different types of plants and choose the right type for your needs. These can be applied as often as with every watering. We will explain in details about every type of fertilizer in our next post🔽

🛍 Shop Sunshine Boosters

#Fertilizers #How_to

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