A: There's always something blooming and
fruiting, especially with spring on the way! Our garden is buzzing with bees and
butterflies, and in the nursery, you'll always find plants in bloom or bearing
fruit. Here are a few standout winners of the season.
Orchid Trees

trees are among the most spectacular trees in Florida, flowering from late
winter through spring. They are fast-growing, not fussy about soil or water,
and bloom for several weeks in a stunning display of white, purple, pink, or
red flowers. In the photo: Bauhinia alba (candida) - White Orchid Tree - the most cold-hardy of
all Bauhinias, tolerating temperatures as low as 26F. You can see them in full
bloom across Florida right now!
Carambola - Star Fruit
Starfruit trees (Averrhoa carambola) have been fruiting in our garden since fall,
and they just keep producing! We've had so many starfruits that we ended up
making lots of jam.

Calliandras are known to be spectacular winter bloomers, but in our garden, they
seem to flower year-round. They make fantastic ever-blooming hedges or
striking small specimen trees.
In the photo: red-flowering Calliandra tweedii "With Love" - Red Tassel Flower, yright now, this
beautiful bush is covered in red blooms in front of our office at Sebring
Mulberry Trees
Yes, it's
Mulberry season! Some varieties have already ripened, while others are just
about to. We're competing with the birds to see who gets the first fruit,
but honestly, there's plenty for everyone! These trees are very cold hardy and
highly productive.
Loquat Trees
trees (Eriobotrya japonica) are loaded with fruit right now! We've started
picking them and have already made some delicious preserves - you can only eat
so many fresh. Loquats continue fruiting through April and May, making them
one of the most rewarding, easy-to-grow, and productive fruit trees.
Tabebuia Trees

trees put on a spectacular show from late winter through spring! Golden
and pink Tabebuias are small, compact trees that fit any yard and deliver a
breathtaking display year after year.
Check out these short videos of blooming Tabebuias:
chrysotricha - Dwarf Golden Tabebuia
impetiginosa - Dwarf Pink Tabebuia, Pau DArco, Taheebo