Alexandra Butova is our columnist, journalist, and photographer, living in Riga, Latvia. She has has been with TopTropicals since Day One (2002), writing about magic plants, travel, and of course cats - from the CatNation she belongs to.

2023: Alexandra's 75th Anniversary and 20 years with TopTropicals.
From Alex to TopTropicals:
"...My dear and beloved family, thank you for our longstanding friendship. Thank you for helping me find the path to the tropical jungles that I had lost many years ago, which now can be followed by my cat paws until the very end.
Once upon a time, in ancient times, when Old Cat Alex was a reckless kitten, she discovered an amazing world of plants through the books by N. Verzilin: "Travels with House Plants", "Following Robinson", and "Through Gardens and Parks of the World" were her favorite books for a long time. And then, in the hustle and bustle of adult life, the magical road made of green bricks, winding through gardens, forests, and jungles, imperceptibly slipped away and seemed lost forever...
But it was only an illusion, because everything has its own time. In 2003, Alex the Cat stumbled upon Top Tropicals! And what do the owners of this tropical empire do with stray cats and dogs? It is well known - they resque them and turn into pets.
And now 20 years have passed... What would I do without you? You have become my second family. The emotional and spiritual bonds that connect us are not afraid of thousands of miles or the Atlantic Ocean. I cannot imagine myself separately from you..."
Articles by Alex Butova
- 2025 - The Year of the Green Wood Snake: Wisdom, Growth, and Renewal
- Manx - the Tailles Cat.
- European Shorthair: a cat that came from the wild.
- 2024: a Year of Green Wooden Dragon
- Winter Adventure of Lisa the Cat
- Norwegian Forest Cat - Stogkatt
- Cat Zodiac: Sagittarius Cats 8/23-9/22
- Cat Zodiac: Scorpio Cats 8/23-9/22
- Cat Zodiac: Libra Cats 8/23-9/22
- Cat Zodiac: Virgo Cats 8/23-9/22
- Cat Zodiac: Leo Cats 7/23-8/22
- Cat Zodiac: Cancer Cats 6/22-7/22
- Cat Zodiac: Gemini Cats 5/21-6/21
- Zodiac for Guanabana tree? Horospope for Annona muricata.
- Cat Zodiac: Taurus Cats 4/21-5/20
- Cat Zodiac: Aries Cats 3/21-4/20
- Cat Zodiac: Pisces Cats 2/19-3/20
- Cat Zodiac: Aquarius Cats 1/20-2/18
- Cat Zodiac: Capricorn Cats 12/22-1/19
- Surinam Cherry Lolita and Bermuda Christmas Pie
- Plant Horoscope - Sagittarius
- Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow, Brunfelsia from Brazil
- Plant Horoscope - Scorpio
- Pouteria campechiana - Canistel, the curious heart-shaped Egg Super-Fruit
- Ceiba pentandra, Kapok Tree - Maya's Sacred Tree at the Center of the Earth
- Plant Horoscope - Libra
- Napoleana - Napoleon's Hat: endangered species from the outgone era of the Napoleon's War
- Plant Horoscope - Virgo
- Tropical Asparagus, Katuk - Sauropus androgynous
- Plant Horoscope - Leo
- Callisia fragrans, Golden Tendril - Holistic Medicinal Plant
- Cajanus cajan - Pigeon Pea
- Plant Horoscope - Cancer
- Ipomoea batatas - Sweet Potatoes, healthy food for every kitchen
- Lalot - Vietnamese Pepper
- Plant Horoscope - Gemini
- Plant Horoscope - Taurus
- Plant Horoscope - Aries
- Turnera - Aphrodisiac Superherb
- Plant Horoscope - Aries
- Costa Rican Guava - Psidium friedrichsthalianum
- Macadamia: Hard Sweet Nut and Hardy Tree
- Plant Horoscope - Pisces
- Plant Horoscope - Aquarius
- Plant Horoscope - Capricorn
- Plant Horoscope and Lucky Zodiac Plants
- 2022: Year of the Blue Water Tiger
- Ficus pumila: Creeping fig with unbelievable leaves and fruit
- Strobilanthes, Chinese Rain Bell - a source of Blue, Green, and Purple...
Magenta Freckles of Shooting Stars: a Nerve Flower for stress relief
- Pipers, the Pepper Plants
- Musa Zebrina Rojo - Blood Leaf Banana
- Philodendrons: from the Magic Rainforest to your home
- Callistemon: from Bottlebrush to Little John, or the story of a Dwarf Plant
- The Purple Tango of Hypnotizing, Awe-inspiring Jacaranda
- Aronia melanocarpa – a Magic gift from the Native Americans
- A Native Virgin - Sweetbay Vanilla Magnolia
- Nepenthes: Deadly Traps of Monkey Cups
- Rubus Sanctus - the Sacred Burning Bush of the Bible, and other Blackberries
- Bauihnias: Orchid trees with Butterfly flowers... and leaves
- Bunchosia - Peanut Butter Fruit Tree
- Champaka - a true Joy of your life
- Lycium barbarum, Goji Berry - the herb with five names
- Lion cub's tails looking out of a tall grass: Leonotis leonurus
- Barbados cherry – equal to 65 oranges
- Aglaia odorata – a present from the Greek Goddess
- Mansoa alliacea - Garlic Vine
- Golden Loquat - the symbol of Prosperity
- The Passion Fruit - Juicy Maracuya
- Alstonia scolaris - Indian Devil Tree
- Fancy Nancy from Brazil: Byrsonima crassifolia - Nancy Tree or Golden Spoon
- 2021: White Cow with a Golden Udder... not an Ox!
- Plants with scents
as heady as incense: Magnolia Aristocrats
- List of Alexandra's articles in Russian